#outerbanks imagines
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starkeygirls · 4 months ago
i n v i s i b l e s t r i n g
chapter 1
rafe cameron x pogue!reader
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summary: really bad at these!
wc: 2.5k
warning: none! i haven't written in a while, this is a rewrite of a story that i started in 2020, so please bare with me as i get back in the groove of writing.
a/n: guess who's back, back again. determined to finish this series. rafe and sofia in s4 really inspired me to get back into this fic, hope you all like it ◡̈ pls reblog/comment/etc.. would love to hear your thoughts ◡̈
Sometimes you really fit into Figure 8. Sometimes you all did. Like when John B was off with Sarah and he was wearing the clothes that she had bought him to go out golfing or go to brunch at the yacht club. Or when Kie was dragged to a kook event by her parents at the country club. Pope wore his suit when he had different scholarship and college interviews- and he really gave the kook boys a run for their money with how good he looked in his steamed suit. JJ was the least likely to really look like he would ever fit in on Figure 8, and that was because he never wanted to. He reserved his ‘money suit’, as he called it, for when he had to work as a busboy, and occasionally picked up other gigs. You, however, were fitting in more often than you would have liked. 
You tucked your white cashmere sweater into your long, green pleated skirt. Letting out a small huff as you sprayed your perfectly curled hair one more time. Throwing your purse over your shoulder, you trudged down your hallway, your sneakers cost more than $400. You could still remember how your jaw dropped when you saw the pricetag, and apparently the kooks ate these shoes up. They needed them in every color, every new style that came out. It was madness, if you were being honest. It was like they were just giving away money. 
That’s what it seemed like, at least. You had been working at a retail store in the main strip of Figure 8 for over a year now. It was the only way you could afford the clothes you were wearing. You got a steep discount off the price, and you knew how to shop sales better than anyone. 
Your kook masquerade was always squished the moment you walked out to your car. The old beat up Honda that was always parked out front was nothing like what a kook would drive. It was too old. A 2005? The kooks didn’t know what anything from that year was- maybe only their participation trophies from little league that had the year engraved, that was about it. 
Unlocking the car, you tossed your bag onto the passenger seat, closing the door and buckling up your seatbelt. 
“Please start, Hilda..” You mumbled, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath as your hand turned the key in the ignition. She did, as usual- but you would never forget the time that she broke down. You cried for the ten minutes it took John B and JJ to rescue you. They were like your own little mechanics. Pope had called you in the car for the ten minutes while you sobbed and tried to calm you down- it didn’t work. Nothing worked until you saw your car fixed. You still owed them for saving your ass that day, regardless of how many times they assured you it was really nothing.
Crossing over the bridge from The Cut to Figure 8, you sighed: traffic. You knew by now the traffic was always bad as you headed into the main strip of town. It was the most popular place. Coffee shops, restaurants, stores.. Who wouldn’t be there if they had the money and time? Yeah, the coffee was overpriced and no one knew how to drive in their expensive cars, but it was still nice. Nicer than The Cut where people revved their engines when you scurried across the street.
It took you a half hour to finally pull into the parking lot behind your store. Saturdays were always the worst traffic wise, but boy, was it a good sales day. Checking the time, you bit your lip as you contemplated running to the cafe a few shops down to get a coffee. Technically you had time- you were always early. You had a fear of being late if you were being honest. You knew it looked bad, and it wasn’t hard for you to just leave a little early for wherever you were going. It took you two minutes to walk to the cafe, and you would give yourself ten minutes to be in the cafe, another two minutes to walk back, and you had twenty minutes until you had to clock in. What if the cafe was busy? What if it took you fifteen minutes in there? 
You slammed the car door and walked towards the Cove Cafe. The bell dinged as you walked in, a smile pressed to your lips as you pushed your sunglasses to your head. It wasn’t busy. What a relief. You smiled at the barista as you walked up to the counter. You and Gabriella had become good friends from your constant stops to the overpriced coffee shop. 
“The usual?” She asked with a grin, scribbling onto the cup as you nodded your head. You still had ten minutes to get back to the shop before you had to clock in. You smiled and waved back to Gabriella as you left the shop, sipping on the drink that had become a staple to your routine.
This Saturday was not a good day for sales. The weather must’ve been too nice, or everyone had gone to the mainland. The traffic you had fought through died down, and the small shop was deserted. Main Street in general was deserted. You and your co-worker, Abigail were basically staring at each other for four hours. It was painful at this point. You both had resorted to hiding off to the side hall to watch Netflix shows, peering your heads out when you heard the door open. 
Most of the time it was one or two people wandering in- usually tourons who just looked around and pulled you away from the show. It was your turn to walk out there when the door dinged, watching as two people walked in. Your eyes squinted as you looked to the security camera before heading out from behind the curtain. 
You tried to hide your surprise- and disgust- as your eyes glanced over to see Topper Thorton and Rafe Cameron in the small store. What did they want? Were they making rounds because Sarah was complaining about something John B had said? You knew it wasn’t a good idea John B was hanging around her. Were they threatening your group? 
Was it too late to shove Abigail out here? Was it too late to lock the doors and pretend you never opened? Were you allowed to not greet them? Spit in their faces? 
“Do you have this in a large?” Rafe’s question knocked you from your thoughts, blinking a few times before you furrowed your brows. 
“Let me go check for you.” You smiled at the two boys before heading behind the curtain where Abigail was. “How did I get so unlucky to have to deal with Topper and Rafe? How come you got a Hollywood directors cousin and I get two assholes who aren’t going to spend any money?” A groan escaped your lips before you brought yourself down the stairs to the stockroom. 
“So you’re going to take the three shirts, the sweater and the two pants and then we’re going to order you the polo in the salmon color, and the sneakers, right?” You ran by him one more time. 
“Yeah, and ship it to the store if you can.” Rafe nodded, tapping his American Express Platinum card against the wooden counter. You nodded, typing away on the ipad register. It was a relief to finally be getting them out of the store, though they were a lot less of a pain then you had originally thought they would be. In fact, they were really respectful a complete 180 from what you were used to experiencing. They had hung back up everything they had tried on, and made sure to get a full glance of everything they could want in a different size or color before making you run to the stockroom once they were aware it was in a basement.
The only awkward part of the whole interaction was when you had absentmindedly walked back to the fitting rooms and saw Rafe shirtless as he spoke to Topper about the shirt he had on. 
“Pants fit well.” You awkwardly smiled, diverting your eyes from Rafe’s toned chest. You didn’t hate having them in the store, and he was about to drop a lot of money which was only going to be more money in your pocket.
“You’re all set. Everything should be here by Wednesday the latest. I’ll give you a call when they get here.” You smiled, watching him tap the heavy card against the card reader. His blue eyes glanced up to meet your own eyes. 
“Could you text me, actually? The number on file is my cell.” Your eyes glanced to Topper as he smirked, eyes glancing your way. To be honest, you were surprised. It wasn’t like you weren’t allowed to text customers for outreach or order updates- but it was the look Rafe was giving you, it was the smirk Topper had plastered to his face, it was the way Rafe was leaning on the counter. 
“And then as if spending an hour with them wasn’t bad enough, he asked me to text him when his order got to the store!” You were pacing in the living room of the chateau. You had driven straight there after work, it was a bit of a usual for all of you. After work on Saturdays, everyone would meet at the chateau and unwind, usually a beer or two, and pizza. 
“Why are you dressed like you’re from the 60’s?” JJ asked, as if he hadn’t been looking at you for the past fifteen minutes you had been ranting. 
“That isn’t the point, idiot.” Kiara chimed in, shaking her head at JJ’s comment. “Love the sweater by the way.” She smiled. 
“Dude, it retails for like three hundred, I almost threw up when a woman asked me where it was in the store the last time I wore it and then she bought it in the three colors we have.” You smiled back, finally plopping onto the couch next to JJ. His eyes were wide as he looked to your sweater, before petting it. 
“Fuck, it’s soft.” 
“It’s cashmere and get your grubby hands off of it. You probably have oil or beer on your hands, and it’s dry clean only.” Your hand smacked at his.
“So when’s your first date with Rafe.” JJ teased, a groan leaving your lips as your head fell back.
“Where the hell did a date even come into this? If he gets my number that’s just another way to threaten us.” 
“I wish John B and Sarah were here to hear all this.. Sarah would lose it.” Kie laughed. “But, we would probably get to the bottom of it. She would just text him and see what was up. Either we’re overthinking it, or we’re perfectly on track for whatever his twisted mind is thinking.” 
“So are you going to wear cashmere on your date with him? Do you think he’ll pay?” JJ continued, a grin planted to his face. He wasn’t going to let it die down, which you should have expected. Jeez, where was Pope, John B and Sarah when you needed them? 
Your fingers hovered over your phone after you had texted Rafe, the chat bubble signaling he was responding - and fast. There was no need to be nervous about whatever he was saying, it was your job, after all. Texting him as he requested for the order he placed - you hadn’t done anything wrong or out of the ordinary. 
You jumped a bit feeling your phone vibrate in your hand, eyes scanning the text saying he would probably show up right before you closed because he was busy. Your lips pulled into a tight line, preparing yourself to have to stay past close. You hearted the message without even thinking, all sense of professionalism threw itself out the window. “Fuck,” you muttered under your breath, too late now to undo what had been done. 
The store was in nearly perfect condition, you had told Abigail to head home, that you would wait out Rafe’s arrival on your own, assuring her he would surely only be about 5-10 minutes. You finger spaced the racks twice, re-folded your tables and even dusted off the mannequins as you waited for his arrival. It was now thirty minutes past close, the doors had been locked, your fingers tapped along the desk as a sigh escaped your lips, eyes rolling. Pulling your phone out of pocket, your fingers fired off a message to Rafe. 
hey! i’ve gotta close up, we’re open from 9-7 tomorrow, just tell the associate you’re picking up :) 
Grabbing your things from the back, your keys twirled around your fingers, jumping as a figure was looking into the glass doors of the store. A gasp escaped your lips as your eyes looked to Rafe’s, a smile pressed to his lips as he caught the panic course through your body. A small debate ran through your brain, should you even let him have his things? He should and could wait until the following day. Teach him a lesson on being punctual. 
His hand knocked on the door, smile still pressed tight to his lips. It was almost cocky, like he knew that you would let him in. Before even making a conscious decision, your feet were carrying you to the door and unlocking it. 
“Maybe we should add a watch to your order, seems like you could use it.” Your tone was a bit harsher than you intended, but at this point, he was wasting your time. Holding the door open, you quickly locked it after he entered. 
“I’m only thirty minutes late.” 
“You knew when we closed, you’re abusing my kindness.” 
“Is that what you call the attitude?” Your eyes were glaring at this point, feet carrying you quickly to the back where Rafe’s items were packaged neatly, a bow around the handle of the bag and all. Grabbing it, you gasped yet again as he had been closer to the curtain to the back than anticipated. A chuckle escaping his lips. “You look like a deer in headlights.” 
“Can you just take your things and go? I’ve spent enough time in this store.” A huff escaped your lips as you shoved the bag to Rafe, already walking towards the front door to escort him out. “And don’t worry, I’ll send you watches during my next shift so you can work on being on time.” 
“So you want to see me again?” Rafe’s eyebrows raised, smirk pressing to his lips. He clearly was in no rush to leave, or leave without frustrating you any bit he could. 
“Right now I would love nothing more than to watch you leave, Rafe.” Unlocking the door, and opening it you motion for him to leave, your patience growing thin as he took his time walking from the store. “Thanks for shopping with us today.” You mutter before closing the door behind him and locking it. 
Scrolling through your phone, a text pulled your brows together. 
so, how’d i look walking away?
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xveenusx · 2 years ago
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Paring(s): JJ maybank x fem!reader
Summary: Request- John b's little sister grew up with JJ. Both boys are protective of her but when John B and Sarah leave on the boat, she only has JJ. She realizes she has feelings for him, not knowing he feels the same.
Authors note: I decided I could give you guys a sprinkle of fluff and slight smut after the last two pieces! This takes place at the beginning of season 2 where they believe Sarah and John b are dead.
Also, someone complained about the length of my pieces. I know they’re long but it’s just my writing style. I like for the readers to feel what the main character is feeling. If the length bothers you, then don’t read it!
That’s how I felt.
At myself. At my dad. At John B.
When we first lost our dad, it didn’t feel real. I waited outside on the steps of the chateu hoping to see him come back on his boat. Suddenly, hours turned to days which turned into months and the hope that filled my chest shrank bit by bit until I no longer sat outside.
Instead, John B and I did what we could. After successfully evading CPS, we decided it was best to lay low. That was the thing about us, we always managed to make the best out of a shitty situation because let’s face it, being born on the cut was shitty situation after shitty situation.
Unfortunately, it felt like the stress had finally caught up to me. Being surrounded by unfamiliar people caused a bitter sense of panic to fill my very core. My anxiety had amplified tenfold as the once out going girl became completely sheltered.
It was safer that way. At least, if I isolated myself, losing someone else won’t hurt as bad as this. Because as long as I had my brother, everything else was manageable.
Losing my dad was tough, almost impossible but at least I had John B.
Until, I didn’t.
It didn’t hit me until I saw the boat capsize with my brother and Sarah in it. I was truly an orphan, in every sense of the word.
My knees had given out as every emotion crashed into my body like a violent tsunami. A silent scream leaving my body as I could no longer hold myself up.
Familiar arms caught me just as I was about to hit the floor, the rain pounded into my skin like thousands of needles. As I drew in a sharp breath, my voice impossible to find, a delicate smell of sex wax and salt filled my nose.
“Please breathe. I need you to take a b-breath,” He pleaded, his voice shook in obvious grief. He had just lost his brother too.
I couldn’t seem to do what he was asking. I squeezed my eyes shut, willing for this nightmare to end, but thought after thought slammed into my head repeatedly. My chest squeezed tightly, so tight that I began to claw at it, desperate to relieve the tension.
Yet, nothing seemed to work. I could see him now, his image blurred due to the tears falling from my eyes. His mouth was moving but I couldn’t hear anything.
My fingers slowly started to cramp due to the lack of oxygen from my inability to calm down. The tidal wave known as anxiety pulled me deep, my vision slowly becoming black before my unconscious body falls limp in the arms of my brother’s best friend.
I hated this sign.
My eyes glared at the makeshift headstone my friends made for Sarah and John B that was carved into the tree.
It served as another reminder that my brother left me.
I’ve become close friends with anger and sadness.
Our friends tried to give me a sense of stability and normalcy, one that I’ve been lacking since the moment our dad died. Kie always stopped by bringing left overs from her parent’s restaurant. Pope would help me with my homework and go over scholarship options. I knew he was trying to help me plan for the future, but we both knew he was the only one that could really get out. I welcomed the distraction and tried to enjoy the small bubble I’ve created for myself.
And then, there was JJ.
JJ was special.
He all but moved in to the chateau, never leaving me alone in my thoughts for too long. He took up a serving job at some kook club to feed us and always brought me with him. I would sit in a small corner throughout, his shifts and enjoy his company.
In a way, I think it was for him just as much as it was for me. We had both bonded over the loss of my brother and it caused an invisible string to tether us together in a way that almost felt intimate.
I blew out a breath.
Standing up, I wiped off the dirt from my thighs and flexed my hands. JJ was on his way to pick me up and take me to the annual bonfire here on the island.
When he asked me, my first reaction was an immediate no. I had avoided going near large groups of people since they believed my brother to be a murder, therefore, making me guilty by association. Just the thought of surrounding myself around those people made my skin itch.
But I also knew that we were both desperate to feel the closest thing to normal that we could find.
What he didn’t know was that feeling of normalcy could only be achieved when he was with me. Breathing was easier when he was with me, living was easier.
The familiar sound of a bike engine caused my stomach to flutter with nerves.
“You ready?”
Inhaling deeply, I turned around to see JJ leaning against his bike looking every bit as handsome as the first time I laid eyes on him. He was grinning, something he reserved just for me, with a toothpick on one side.
If he was here, then I’d be able to do anything.
“I go where you go.”
JJ’s blue eyes shined at my words. He shot me his infamous smirk that nearly caused the butterflies in my stomach to erupt.
“You got that right. Get on the bike, let’s get the fuck out of here.”
My brain was my biggest enemy. It had a tendency to disrupt whatever sense of peace I had and destroy it with every self sabotaging thought I’ve ever had.
In this case, my brain wanted to know just how many girls sat there before me.
Noticing my hesitation, JJ raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. “What’s up?”
“I just don’t want to get cooties from all the girls you let on this thing.”
He rolled his eyes. “Get your ass on the bike.”
My feet moved towards the bike as I mumbled under my breath. Stopping in front of him, JJ brushes some loose strands of my hair out of my face before grabbing the helmet that was on the seat.
I reached for it but JJ shoved my hands away, shooting me a flat look. Huffing, I stood there as JJ placed the helmet on my head, tightening the strap under my chin.
“Why do I have to wear a helmet and you don’t?”
“Because you matter.” His response was immediate.
Speechless, I said nothing more as he continued with the unnecessary pampering before he finally let me on the bike. Revving the engine, JJ kicks up the stand before reaching behind and grabbing my arm, settling it around his waist. He tapped my thigh twice to signal we were going and we took off.
I clung to his body, watching as the greenery blurred into one large mass, my thoughts doing the same.
You matter.
You matter.
You matter.
But what did that mean? What did it mean to him? What did I mean to him?
Because, I knew exactly what he meant to me.
There were small moments we shared. Our eye contact would stay on each other for a beat too long or his hands would linger just a minute longer than normal.
I knew, at least for me, our friendship had reached a very blurred line. My feelings for him seemed to consume me but I couldn’t tell how he felt. No one ever could, JJ didn’t let them.
He would say things like this that would completely throw me out of the loop. So we settled into a routine, one that resembled a relationship yet we weren’t in one.
The familiar cackle of the fire and shouts of excitement signaled that we were close to the party. Unease leaked into my bloodstream as I flexed my fingers into JJ’s shirt, the nerves sky rocketing.
JJ parked next to some truck but my focus was broken. My eyes jumped all over, taking in the scene all while trying to remind myself to breathe. People were shot gunning while others were playing beer pong, kooks and pouges alike.
Everyone was laughing and smiling, but it all seemed foreign to me. This was what I used to do, when things weren’t as complicated and dark as they were now. It felt almost wrong to go dancing and drinking when my life was in shambles.
A small touch to my wrist pulled me out of my thoughts as I turned to face JJ. A look of concern painted his face as he pressed his fingers against my wrist, checking my pulse.
“JJ, I’m fine.” I said exasperated but secretly, I adored how he took care of me. It made me feel like to him, I was different than all the other girls.
I just couldn’t decipher if he took care of me out of obligation to John B or because he actually cared for me.
He picked up this habit after I passed out in his arms. JJ always brushed his fingers against the inside of my wrist, just to double check that I wasn’t going to pass out again.
My anxiety was yet another monster I had to tackle after I lost John B and JJ was the only one that could calm me down. He weighed me down like an anchor.
“Look at me,” he demanded, his fingers lifting my chin causing my eyes to meet his.
His gaze ran over every inch of my face before a small satisfied smile played his lips.
“Do you believe me now?”
JJ shot me a wink, before cupping my face gently. “I’ll be back with tequila, don’t move.”
A small laugh left my mouth. “JJ, I don’t hang out with anyone else.”
“I’m all you can handle anyways, baby.”
My stomach dipped at the term of endearment. Laughing it off, I shooed him away and within seconds people were calling out his name, tugging him into their groups.
He seemed relax—happy even—to be surrounded by familiar people that I’m sure made him feel normal. I wanted him to have that, god, did I want him to have that.
So I ignored the nausea that nipped at my throat and spent the next five minutes looking around, hoping to spot Pope or Kie with no luck.
JJ deserved some time that didn’t involve watching me.
Only, I didn’t expect him to disappear for the rest of the night.
Hours later, I pushed passed the sweaty, overheated bodies as the bass of the music trembled through the air rattling my chest. The mass of bodies caused a layer of sweat to cover my body the further I went into the crowd. Intense rap music was being blasted instantly getting a reaction by the drug induced people around me.
Just by a simple sweep of the overcrowded property, I gave it a solid half hour before the cops showed up.
A large figure stumbled into me, beer sloshing onto my top. I gasped, stepping back slightly wincing at the cold liquid dripping down my stomach.
"Sorry," He slurred before stumbling back into the mosh pit of raging teens.
A familiar laugh rang out and almost immediately my body reacted to it. It was odd. After years of hearing his voice and his laugh, you would think I'd have gotten used to it by now, but no.
The effect he had on my body left me stunned.
My eyes were drawn to him instantly. I blocked everything else out.
His head was tilted back as he belted out another laugh. JJ was leaning against a wall with a hand holding a beer bottle loosely and the other moving as he spoke animatedly to the group that surrounded him.
His sun touched skin complimented his bright blue orbs that shined with a child-like wonder. JJ’s golden colored locks were thick and fell into a messy heap on his head, loose strands brushing against his forehead.
The black cut muscle tee he wore displayed every muscle as he continued to move his arms to accompany his storytelling.
JJ Maybank was a sight for sore eyes.
He was still talking rapidly when he glanced up and locked eyes with mine. JJ’s ocean eyes shined as he shot me a megawatt smile nearly sending me to my knees. He stopped mid-conversation and motioned for me to come over, his eyes once again gleaming with a unspoken level of affection.
I remained frozen. Sometimes this happened. I got overwhelmed by just how much I needed him.
JJ managed to knock me off my feet a solid five times a day. Each time welcomed even more than the last.
He bit his lip, stopping a smile as he bid his friends goodbye and began walking over to where I stood, running a hand through his hair messily.
I opened my mouth, not knowing what to say when a manicured hand rested itself on his stomach, stopping him in his tracks.
“Haven’t see you in awhile. Where ya been?”
Stacey Williams had this thing about her.
What it was, I couldn’t say, but it was enough for JJ to keep going back for more. She was the only other girl in his life that he gave a fraction of his attention to.
That fact alone made me nervous.
Just walk away, JJ. Please just walk away.
Instead, he took a seat next to her and shot her smile that was reserved for me.
People stumble between us, blocking my view but I could still hear them conversing.
“You know me, Steis. I’m here, I’m there. Just doin’ me.”
She let out a giggle causing me to roll my eyes. He’s really not that funny.
“You haven’t been answering my calls. I figured, tonight you could come over and we could talk.”
My stomach tied itself in knots at the silence on his end. It was almost like he was contemplating going.
“I -I can’t tonight. I came with John b’s sister.”
I winced. That’s all I was to him?
I could see Stacey lean forward and slip her hand along the open slit of his muscle tee. “She follows you around like a lost puppy, JJ. It’s almost sad if it wasn’t so weird.”
I saw him shake his head. “It’s not like that, we’re both just dealing with everything the best way we can.”
Stacey rolled her eyes before she took a sip of her drink, “JJ, your hot but please tell me you’re not that blind. The girl is basically in love with you.”
Judging by the way JJ froze, I now knew that I misjudged every interaction we’ve had to this point. He didn’t even notice how I felt.
“What-I mean-no. She’s just a girl that needs help. I mean, come on. She’s just John B’s sister.”
The only thing more humiliating than finding out the person you want doesn’t want you, is finding out they were only there for you because of an obligation.
I wasn’t special to him. I was just John B’s little sister.
I think another part of me died right there, because yet again, I have lost another person I loved.
But this time, he wasn’t gone, no—he was right in front of me, but he might as well have been a million miles away or six feet under.
Eavesdropping is the quickest way to a broken heart. Words not meant for your ears strike your heart in a brutal assault until nothing remained.
Finally, the crowd that separated us moved and I stood there stupidly staring at him.
Feeling the weight of my gaze, JJ turned his head and his eyes widened before settling into a look of guilt.
I tore my gaze off of him and looked at her. The smug smile she wore told me she intended for me to hear what he had said.
My face heated, and I glanced down at the drink in my hand. How could I be so fucking stupid?
Ignoring the sickening twists in my stomach, I tossed back the strong liquor in my cup. The burning trail the tequila left is the feeling I decided to focus on.
Spinning around, my eyes searched for another cooler, desperate to keep the burning feeling going.
“Shit-Wait,” I could hear JJ shouting for me but I kept moving.
Finding a handle of tequila, I flicked the top off and took a pull. The bitter burn fell over my body with a fuzzy warmth.
JJ knocks the bottle out of my hand.
“What the fuck is your problem?”
“Since when do you drink like that?” He asked.
“Go away, JJ. I don’t need you to babysit me anymore.”
“Listen, if this is about what I said-“
“You’re free, JJ,” my voice trembled with pain,” You don’t need to waste any more of your time on me.”
I grabbed a red solo cup, sniffing the contents, and just as I was about to chug it back, his hand slaps it out of my own.
“Will you stop fucking drinking that-“ JJ’s baby blues narrowed as he growled at me.
“What are you, my dad? You’re taking this baby sitting gig a little too seriously.”
It was, then I noticed how many eyes were on us. The music was still blasting, but no one was dancing.
My breathing picked up at the sudden attention. I dug my nails into the palm of my hand to distract my body from the ever growing panic that plagued my body.
JJ’s eye clock in on my nervous tic causing his glare to soften. A figure approaching pulled my focus off of him.
Topper strides over with a drink in his hand and a lazy smile. “Hey man-“
“Top, your wearing sandals bro. Step off.”
“I’m just saying man, she doesn’t want to talk to you.”
JJ’s eyes darkened as a threatening smile slowly graced his lips. “Wanna run that by me again?”
“I forgot that you pouges are missing a couple brain cells,” Topper lolled his head to the side and shot me a wink, “Since you’re clearly a bit slow, I’ll spell it out for you. She. Doesn’t. Want. To. Talk. To. You.”
“I dont remember you being this cocky with a gun to your head.” The words were spoken softly but the threat was clear.
A storm brewed in JJ’s eyes as the bright blue was replaced by something much darker.
My heart jumped at his tone and the look in his eyes made me swallow hard. Disgust filled me as heat began to build between my legs forcing me to press my thighs together.
Hands up on surrender, Topper shot me a look before heading back to his friends. JJ’s eyes stayed on him for a beat ensuring that he wouldn’t come back.
When he was satisfied, JJ moved towards me in quick strides making me yelp in surprise.
His ring covered hand grasped my upper arm and tugged me back to his bike. I shrugged out of his hold and crossed my arms across my chest, hoping it’ll keep a safe distance between the two of us.
I couldn’t think clearly when he was close.
“No thanks.”
“If you would just-“
“Go away.”
“Can you please stop acting-“
“Why don’t you go back to Stacy? I’m sure she’d find this conversation enlightening.” I spat, shoving his reaching hands away.
“I dont want to talk to Sta-“
“Are you sure? You seemed to have a lot to say be-“
“Jesus Christ, would you just shut up?” JJ shouted with his hands in his hair.
My mouth opened and closed in shock.
“You’re the most frustrating person on this fucking island.” He growled, shaking his head in false amusement.
“Then why are you still talking to me?”
“Because it’s you.”
Throwing my hands up in defeat, I let out a bleak laugh. “What does that even mean? Stop pretending you care. Stop pretending to be my-“
“I wasn’t pretending.” He shook his head, the blue orbs pleading for me to understand,”Stacey was just saying shit to get a reaction-“
“She wasn’t wrong.”
He stopped talking and stared at me, almost confused.
My body trembled slightly with nerves as I prepared to finally expose every bit of my heart to the blue eyed boy in front of me.
“What she said—about how I feel about you. She was right. Anybody with two fucking eyes can see how I feel about you, except for you.”
I furiously wiped my eyes stop the tears from falling. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.
“But now I know you only see me as John B’s little sister. It’s just humiliating that you chose to say that to Stacey instead of me.”
I was going to throw up. My stomach churned and swayed but I swallowed down the urge.
JJ let out a harsh sound, “I feel fucking guilty, okay? I feel guilty that I don’t see you the way I should. John B was my best friend and now I’m falling for his sister? It’s eating at me.”
“Then leave-“
“Shut up,” He snapped. “You’ve already got to say what you wanted. It’s my turn.”
My throat tightened as I braced myself for his confession.
“I look at you and I have to stop myself from kissing you even though it’s all I can think about.”
His eye contact seared into my very soul. I could feel it pierce my pounding heart.
“So you aren’t the only one that feels something.”
My heart was in my throat as I processed his words.
“But you said-“
“I lied.” He cut me off with a shrug and advanced towards me, clearly fed up with the distance I placed between us.
In a last ditched effort, I put up my hands to stop him in his tracks. I needed to think. I needed to breathe.
“Don’t touch me.” The plea itself was weak at best.
At the sound of my sob, JJ ignores my demand, and shoves my hands away, despite my weak attempt to keep him out of my space.
Instantly, his fingers curl themselves along my wrist and take note of my pulse. He let out a distressed sound from what I can only assume is the pounding of my pulse and whispers soothing words.
Taking in gulps of air, he slowly counts me down to a manageable pace of breathing. My shaking slowly begins to subside and my very focus is just on him.
Resting his forehead on mine, JJ whispers pleadingly, “Please stop crying.”
Another kiss lands on my nose. “I’m sorry.”
His request along with his sweet pleadings, causes my defenses to crumble down. Another sob tears from my chest as I relax into his embrace.
“I didn’t mean it.” He muttered, brushing my tears away with his thumb.
“Then why did you say it?” My words were soft, barely a whisper.
“Because she’s not important enough to know how I feel.”
Our eyes were glued to each other, a deep unknown longing singeing us together.
“You said I was just some girl.”
JJ tilted my head up, his fingers trailing softly along my bottom lip, “I meant my girl.”
“I have a lot of baggage,” I gave him one more shot at leaving.
“Good thing I have a truck.”
“But she-“
He shook his head, leaning down so there’s just a sliver of space between our lips, so close that we were inhaling each others breaths.
“You’re the only one I want.”
JJ bent down, his arms circling themselves directly below my ass, and picked me up causing me to shout out in surprise.
My hands curled onto each of his arms, my stomach fluttering at the flex of his muscles. He set me on the seat of the bike, his large calloused hands gripped my upper thighs tightly sending a wave of heat right to my core.
JJ’s half lidded eyes dart between my gaze and my lips. “Tell me to stop.”
The words never crossed my lips.
He let out a sound of satisfaction, tugging my legs open to stand in between them.
His ring covered fingers danced along the strands of my hair before nesting themselves at the root, gripping the nape tightly, "You’re mine.”
Heat instantly swarmed my belly as I drastically tried to collect my thoughts. My lips trembled as he hovered over me, his figure towering over my small frame.
JJ swiped his tongue along my parted lips before biting gently. Instantly, my body jolted forward and we were chest to chest, perfectly aligned.
My grip on his biceps tightened as I tremble with anticipation.
Finally, he pressed his lips to mine, slowly guiding our kiss. Gripping my hair tighter, he tilts my head sliding his tongue inside.
A small whimper escaped my lips causing a groan to erupt from him. Almost lazily, he pulled back slightly and pulled my bottom lip into his, sucking softly.
White hot lust seared itself into my blood. I let out a whine and pushed myself up, pressing my lips to his, desperate for another taste of JJ.
My blood was pounding in my ears as I tugged him closer. Almost lazily, I teased his mouth open and slid my tongue inside. Humming with desire, I gently sucked on his tongue causing him to flex his grip on my thighs.
JJ pulled back giving me the opportunity to catch my breath. His fingertips left a heated trail along my face as he caressed every inch.
He shook his head, laughing to himself softly,” It’s you. It’s always been you.”
I love sassy JJ. Sorry for the delayed upload, I got into a car accident and am just now starting to get better:)
Please let me know what you think!! Next piece will be yummy smut with Rafe
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lullxby · 2 months ago
hi love!! could you write a jj x reader where he is in love with her but is scared to commit to a relationship because he’s never truly been loved before and doesn’t rlly think he deserves it? and it’s reader’s first relationship too? <3
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ I LOVE YOU, I’M SORRY (j.m.)
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(jj maybank x kook!reader)
summary : in which a boy loves a girl so much it scares him.
w.c. : 2.3k
a/n : ughh LOVED this request, part two in the process but im trying to get something out for each character i have requests for rn!
warning(s) : angst, slight misunderstanding,
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jj maybank loved you. you knew it, he knew it.
he even thought you felt the same. from the way you’d carefully clean out his wounds in the dead of night, or the way you’d make sure he ate at your house because you knew it was one of the only times he’d be fed. all of it make him believe his feelings were requited.
you were so, so good to him. too good, in fact. too good to be true.
he didn’t deserve it. he didn’t deserve any of it— your gentle touches, the sweet treats you’d give him, none of it. he was too rough for someone like you, too violent.
he had hurt so many people, you had to know about it. if you knew about it, there was no way your intentions were good, no matter how much his gut was screaming at him to just give in.
you’d just end up hurting him, that had to be your goal. some sick joke to laugh about with your friends. either that or he’d hurt you. the latter was more likely, he knew that in the same way he knew he loved you.
but, he needed an excuse to flee. he convinced himself it was some cruel style of humor, telling himself he had a right to leave you like this, to ghost you like this.
once he had continued telling himself it was all fake, he actually believed it. it made every time you hung out feel fake, as though he was just putting up appearances. he could tell you were getting confused by his change in demeanor, and wanted to ask him about it. if you did, he wouldn’t know what to say.
so, jj stopped showing up.
he sat comfortably on the chateau couch, the old worn out fabric rough against his legs. his friends were arguing and panicking about something he didn’t care about, or couldn’t bring himself to care about. his mind was stuck on you.
every time his phone would vibrate, he’d desperately want to give it up and text you, saying he’ll be there as soon as he could. but he couldn’t. it was either you end up hurting him, which he couldn’t see happening because you’re so you, or he hurts you. he knew he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he hurt you.
so he didn’t answer your calls or texts.
1 missed call from y/n ❤️
y/n ❤️
i thought you were coming over?
Delivered 4:58pm
he sighed, glancing at the clock hanging on the wall. It was almost two hours after he was supposed to be at your house, and even longer since he begun planning this detachment. he shifted uncomfortably in the seat, ignoring you causing an ache in his chest.
his friends looked over towards him, noticing the squeaking of the pullout couch. he had been uncharacteristically quiet this whole time. no matter what, he’d jump into an argument full on. yet he had stayed silent.
“dude, what’s the matter with you? you’ve been weird all day,” kiara pointed out, frowning a bit.
he opened his louth to answer, only to be cut off by sarah. the cameron girl had known you, having attended the kook academy together when you were younger. you were always sweet, so she was happy when you started hanging around for jj.
“yeah, and where’s y/n?”
his jaw clenched at that one. jj knew sarah was a fan of you, meaning john b. was too, and cleo thought you were kind, meaning pope thought well of you as well. it was like they were waiting for him to speak badly about you then shun him for it.
at least in his eyes. he felt he was going crazy.
“she’s busy,” he answered, his tone telling them to just drop it.
he punctuated his two word sentence by getting up from the couch, going out to the screened in porch, plopping down out there away from the group, leaving his phone inside where he couldn’t feel it vibrate as you texted and called.
god, you were too sweet for him. he’d just ruin you, like he did everything else.
the rest of the night passed by slowly. everything felt so much quicker with you. he had mentioned it once before, causing you to make some joke about having fun when time was flying. he couldn’t remember it exactly, and suddenly wished you were here to repeat it to him.
over and over again.
but you weren’t, thanks to him. even when you guys weren’t with each other, you’d still text and call each other. maybe this was for the best; he was too dependent on you anyway.
he fell asleep out on the porch, and you fell asleep alone in your bed. the window was left unlocked and cracked open, despite the cool air blowing in. just in case.
he never came.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
jj woke up around 10 and walked inside, noticing how everyone seemed to be still asleep in their respective areas. he spotted his phone on the couch, and made the mistake of checking it.
he scrolled through the notifications left by you, not opening them so it wouldn’t say read.
3 missed calls from y/n ❤️
y/n ❤️
this isn’t funny, i’m worried about you
it wasn’t like him to just ignore your texts, especially if you called him. so you had sent this last one. which had happened to catch his eye.
y/n ❤️
atleast let me know you’re okay.
delivered 12:07am
then nothing else after that. you had probably fallen asleep, he knew how you didn’t like staying up late. yet there you were, past midnight for him.
it was because you understood how his life could get sometimes. how he’d get busy, but more importantly, how he’d get hurt. it could’ve been by kooks (maybe starting something on the way to your house), or at the hands of his father.
you weren’t even mad at him, and if you were you weren’t showing it. his heart clenched at the thought. he couldn’t help it, he texted back.
jj 🌊🤍
im finw
read 10:52am
you read the message as soon as he sent it. of course you did. you had been waiting all day and night for him to answer. as soon as you read it, not like it took you long, you got more frustrated.
you had every right to be. he had ghosted you, then all you got was two words in response, and he couldn’t even bother to spell one of them right! you took a deep breath, trying to calm down. if you took it out on him, it’d only get worse.
he got another message, as soon as he had finished with his phone and shut it off.
+1 (123) 456-7890
i missed you yesterday
delivered 10:55am
he knew it was you, seeing your number instead of your name did nothing to change that.
he didn’t even open it.
maybe he was just going through something, you told yourself. it seemed like you guys had been close, close enough to where he’d come to you, but who knows. it could be too personal.
and in that case, he wouldn’t want to be bothered. you sighed, the thought bringing you back to the first time he had come over.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ FLASHBACK
jj had just gotten done surfing, it was obvious from the slightly damp state of his hair and the smell of salt water wafting off him. you had thought it’d be awkward— and so did he, you two were from completely different worlds.
but it wasn’t.
it was as if you guys had known each other for years.
the afternoon had flashed by, eventually ending with you and jj curled up under the many blankets you had oiled on your bed. the covers didn’t slip by without jj teasing you about them, saying something like ‘it’s summer, how do you sleep with this many blankets,’ while pretending to be drowning in them.
after the two of you had calmed down, you had ended up lying on top of his chest, messing with the chain that hung from his neck.
“y’know, i didn’t think you’d wanna come. thought i was jus’ some kook girl bothering you,” you had mumbled, heat rising to your cheeks with the lack of confidence you had shown.
he had just responded with a laugh, pressing a chaste kiss against your head, and saying “you could never bother me.”
but now, as he failed to return your texts, or even read them, it felt like that was all that was happening. like you couldn’t stop bothering him.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PRESENT
jj shoved his phone in the pocket of his cargo shorts, sighing harshly as he did so. this was proving to be way more difficult than he had thought it’d be.
the boy ran a hand through his hair, not having his hat with him to readjust kn his head a thousand times.
he couldn’t stop thinking about you. how sad you may be, how angry (though he doubted that), how hurt. and the fact he knew he was doing that, that he was at fault? it was the worst feeling he thought he’d ever feel.
he kept strong, though, knowing deep down that it’d be worse if he kept going. he’d hurt you worse. he couldn’t do that. you weren’t just another one of his hookups. hell, the two of you hadn’t even had sex yet.
you wanted to wait, so he respected that. he honestly partly expected it. you weren’t like him. you weren’t the type to have casual hookups here and there. one time you had even told him you hadn’t been in a relationship, like, ever.
what he didn’t expect, though, was sarah’s words, emerging from the hallway that led to her and john b’s room.
“y/n’s coming over.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ YOUR POV:
you knew the way he looked at you couldn’t be nothing. it meant something, just as the way he’d hold you did. maybe you didn’t have much experience to base it off of. maybe you were grasping at straws to prove to yourself that he had felt the same way about you that you did him, even if it was just for once.
but maybe, just maybe, he truly did feel the same way about you. you checked your phone almost every five minutes, in such a way that if you did it enough, it’d magically make his notification appear.
your hopes of a magical miracle were futile, as your message not only went unanswered, but unread as well.
did you do something wrong?
was this because you didn’t want to do anything yet?
he hadn’t cared when you had shut him down, he had just pulled you back into his arms and held you. even if he had cared, he didn’t show it. he still came over just as much, and he still treated you the same
that was the only apparent ‘reason’ he would be doing this, and it barely was one. you hadn’t been rude, you hadn’t talked badly about him or his friends to your own. his motivation for this whole ‘cold shoulder’ thing was a mystery.
the familiar ding came from your phone, signaling you had a message. you lunged for it, as if it were a bar of gold. it wasn’t jj, but it was sarah.
sarah 🫶🏻🐻
why haven’t you been coming around lately?
kie and i miss you :(
*1 image attached*
read 11:37am
you opened the attachment, a photo of the two girls pouting at the camera, an edited tear drop under each other their eyes. you laughed lightly at it, surprised st the fact they cared that much.
you and sarah had just begun getting close again, having known each other in your tween years. she introduced you to kie once when you were over, and you guys clicked almost instantly, but were nowhere near best friends.
you responded something casual, mentioning how you had been busy lately, not wanting to bring up the stuff with jj. you didn’t doubt they could figure out what happened— he was the main reason you came over, and he had been ‘way moody’ lately, as sarah would describe it.
sarah 🫶🏻🐻
too busy for a girls day? we wanna see you!!!
read 11:39am
you smiled at the offer, instantly accepting and saying you’d be there at noon. that gave you around twenty minutes to get ready and drive over, which would be plenty of time.
*sarah 🫶🏻🐻 loved your message*
you shut your phone off after seeing the notification, going back into your bedroom. as soon as you entered, your eyes flickered over to one of jj’s t-shirts flung over your vanity chair, and his hat hung on your bedpost.
you changed into an outfit that was cute but comfortable enough to walk around in, your hair already done and just needing a refresh from the humidity. after that was done, you folded up jj’s t-shirt, placing his hat on top.
if he was truly done, though you hoped he wasn’t, he’d want those back. you opened your phone, texting sarah to let her know you were on the way over.
it shouldn’t be too long until you got there, and you and jj could only hope it wouldn’t be too awkward.
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dividers made by h-aewo!!
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1-800-imagines · 11 months ago
the party. part 1 |r.c.|
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outerbanks masterlist
“i fucking hate him,” you cried out, throwing your phone across the room. sarah wrapped her arms around you and squeezed.
“he’s a dick.” she said simply. she smoothed your hair back, “i’m going to go get ice cream, just lay down and i’ll be back.”
you nodded as she broke away from you. you had recently been broken up with by your long term boyfriend and he had just posted a picture with another girl, knowing you’d see it.
it was also the girl he had told you ‘not to worry about’.
thankfully you had been at sarah’s house when you saw it otherwise you would’ve been in trouble. you probably would have shown up and punched him in the face.
sarah left her room, grabbing her keys and heading out which left you alone with your thoughts.
you couldn’t help it, your eyes welled up and tears started to fall. a small sob escaping your lips.
too distracted by your own pain, you hadn’t realized rafe was leaning on the door frame. “you okay kid?” rafe asked.
you looked up and wiped the tears from your cheek nodding. you didn’t want rafe to see you cry. “i’m fine, just somethin in my eye.”
rafe laughed, “that’s a bunch of bullshit and we both know it.” he walked into the room and sat at the edge of the bed. “i saw his story.” rafe’s voice was quiet, “can’t believe he’d be so stupid to fuck things up with you for that dumb coke whore.”
a tear slipped down your cheek and rafe wiped it away with his thumb. you sucked in a breathe and rafe smiled, “why don’t you and sarah come to the party tonight?” normally rafe hated when sarah came to his friends’ parties. especially since she had recently broken things off with topper and gotten with john b.
other than that fact, you knew it was a bad idea. especially since it was at topper’s house and your ex was friends with topper. rafe knew this and as if he could read your mind, he said, “i’ll make sure he doesn’t go near you. promise.”
“what about sarah and top?” you asked quietly, also wanting to ask if your ex’s new girl would be there.
“they’ll play nice. especially if i tell top ahead of time. otherwise id sarah doesn’t wanna go, you can come with me.” he said it every so casually.
the thought of it made your stomach flip. going to a party with rafe? that would make your ex, scott, flip the fuck out. which is exactly what you wanted to happen.
“yeah i’ll ask sarah. but otherwise ill go with you if that’s okay?”
rafe just smiled and shook his head, “wouldn’t have offered if i didn’t want to, kid.” your stomach flipped when he called you kid, again. he had been affectionately calling you kid since you were a literal child. he was only a few years older than you and sarah but his nickname for you never faded. he didn’t even call sarah or wheezie a nickname. only you.
you had never thought of rafe as a brother like you thought of wheezie as a baby sister. you had grown up with a giant crush on rafe cameron.
he patted your leg, snapping you out of your thoughts, and finished by saying, “just text me and let me know what you decide. i got to go pick up from barry and grab some drinks for tonight. okay?” all you could do was nod, your heart racing.
comment to be tagged for part 2!
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strangelysamantha · 4 months ago
girl that you love pt 2 ❀
sarah cameron x fem!reader. kiara carrera x fem!reader.
warnings: alcohol consumption
words: 1,967.
summary: after humiliating yourself after your confession to sarah, you find yourself comforted by kiara.
request? yes!! highly recommended:)
a/n: love this blog if you enjoy! thank you for reading my story! <3 ik it’s been literally multiple years since i started posting, but i'm back now. send in requests!
my masterlist
part one!
after being completely embarrassed by sarah, you humbly went home. your mind was racing, you felt so dumb. you didn't mean to start anything, but the replaying image of disgust on her face when you admitted your feelings was nauseating. you couldn't bring yourself to leave your house, riddled with humiliation. the interaction with rafe twisting your stomach. he seemed so genuine, but if he knew the full story would he had treated you any differently? you couldn't think of either cameron sibling.
you were loafed out on your living room couch; you consumed time by engulfing yourself with tv. your friends had never watched you get so low, and it was worrying them. they wanted to help you, but they knew it was a sensitive topic.
kiara was the first one to confront you, she gave you a reality check. one you so desperately needed. she firmly knocks three times, waiting for you to let her in. you hesitate but ultimately walk to the door to let her in. she's shocked by your state. "are you doing, okay?" she asked you. you frown, "not really." you decided being transparent was the best way to get yourself out of this rut. she shakes her head, "you're letting her win, yknow that right?" she questions you. "what are you talking about?" she sighs. "sarah doesn't realize what she's missing out on? okay? you're a great friend. you're funny, sweet, and she isn't worth wasting your energy." you grimace at her words. "you need to get out. shower, get ready. i'm taking you somewhere, okay? trust me." you groan at her insistence. you knew it wasn't worth putting up a fight over. at the bottom of your heart, you knew she was right. you quickly pick out an outfit before heading to the showers.
kiara waits patiently on the couch, interested in the show you had on. you quickly shower and change, joining her in the living room. "what exactly are we going to do?" she gets excited. "we're going to have pope pick us up. we're going to party, drink, and dance until we can't think about any of our problems." you laugh with her, "okay fine." she quickly texts pope, while you sit down on the couch again.
the idea of the party made you extremely nervous. there was a high probably of sarah being there, and you weren't sure you were ready for a confrontation. it's like kiara can read your mind, "if she's there we will ignore her, i won't let her say anything to you. she doesn't deserve any conversation with you." you nod at her reassurance, the nerves fluttering away. you felt better with the fact your friends would be tagging along; they would easily get you out of any uncomfortable situations.
pope texts you two, signaling he's outside waiting. you guys head outside, hopping into the twinkie. pope and jj are the only ones inside. "next stop, the party!!!" jj boasts trying to lighten the mood, he cranks up the radio and pope drives to the beach quickly. you are stuck in conversation with your friends, you felt normal, safe. this was the best feeling, and it was definitely needed.
the twinkie halts, indicating you had arrived at the beach. the nerves come back quickly, but you knew liquor would make you distracted. jj leads the group to the alcohol, you immediately down a cup. kiara watches you closely, she knew exactly how you felt. she's actually been in the exact situation. she was focused on you, wanting to comfort you in any way that she could.
the party was actually a great distraction, you hadn't felt this free in days. unfortunately, you spotted sarah with john b. your heart stung at the pair, jealousy and resentment bubbling in your chest. immediately you turn, making distance from them. you began to rush with thoughts again, the alcohol being a great temporary distraction, but that’s all it was. temporary.
the sight of them made your head pound. the loud music only heightening the strain. you glance around eagerly, in hope of running into kiara, pope, even jj. the search for them came up short, you figured they were all on the other side of where sarah and john b were dancing. you walk down the sandy beach. just your luck, you discover rafe and some girl making out in the exclusive hidden area. your eyes revolt at the image, and you immediately walk past them trying to get some fresh air.
rafe was about to confront the person who interrupted his make out sesh, however when he realized it was you, he asked the girl he was kissing to go them more beer. she drunkenly obliged to his request, making her way to the cooler of beer.
you didn’t want to talk to him. you knew he had enough time to talk to sarah about the whole situation. you sprint to the twinkie, however it’s john b and sarah that you run into. of course. it was john bs vehicle after all. rafe was still chasing after you. out of the corner of your eye you see kiara. you’ve never felt so much relief wash over you in your life. you ignore anything they say, running to kiara. you pull her into a hug, and she happily accepts. “so much just happened. i wanna get outta here. can we go to yours?” you question. the party was too much, and you didnt want to see them. kiara nods, reaching in her phone to see if her dad could come grab you two.
sarah cameron watched you and kiara from afar. a frown on her lips. your arm is still finding comfort in kiaras touch, you wrapped your guys arms together, finding safety. you stared at kiara with sparkling eyes. she looks down at you smiling. "thank you for helping me through this. i honestly feel better." you're intrigued so you question her. "how'd you know what i needed?" she bites back a smile, "well, i've kinda been in the same situation." you nod at her words, and she continues, "last semester, i had a friend. you know wendy?" you sigh, "yeah i do, why?" she rushes with embarrassment at the memory. "well. we were studying at the library. we had done it every thursday, for months. then she started coming over, well i thought maybe she felt the same way." you frown, "but, i tried to confess my feelings for her, and she let me down gentler than sarah did to you, but she said she wasn't into girls." you gasp, "kiara! are you gay too!?" she giggles with excitement, "yeah!" you grin at her words, "im glad you told me." you confess. she looks away, "well i was going to tell you sooner, but i knew how you felt about sarah, and i guess a part of me thought she liked you back." you wait, "why would it matter if i liked sarah?" you ask her.
she hesitates like it's obvious, "because then you would know that i like you." your heart races at her honesty. you are caught off guard, but you immediately pull her into a hug. "i like you too kiara. i just stuffed the feelings down because i thought you wouldn't like me." her heart sinks, "wanna rekindle them?" she asks. you bite your lip; you place your hands on her hips. you pull her closer to you, reaching in for a kiss. she happily kisses back, her hands wrapping around your neck. you two continue to kiss, but the cherishing moment unfortunately is interrupted by kiaras phone. she pulls it out and answers her dads call. "sorry, were close to the parking lot. we're walking there now." she listens to his response before saying thank you and hanging up. "my dad is here, let's get out of here." you laugh, "sounds good to me." the two of you head to the parking lot, meeting kiaras dad. you two hop into the back seat and start the drive.
sarah b watches your little romance spark. her heart sinks just by the sight of your clinginess with kiara. john b is talking to jj about kiara and you but sarah doesn't listen, her mind was racing with thoughts. rafe walked up to sarah, seeing the whole event unfold. "guess her crushes don't last long." she scoffs. rafe is confused by her frustration. "you were the one who let her down? remember? you told her no. why are you so pissed?" sarah rolls her eyes. "it's just the principle." rafe holds back his laugh, "oh i'm sure that's the reason." sarah storms off, walking back to the beaches shore. she sinks her feet into the sand, letting the water rush over her feet. the scenery helping her ease her mind. rafes words got to her. why was she so mad? she denied you, it's her fault you two don't talk anymore. sarah sighed, unable to dissect her true feelings.
john b, glanced around for sarah, rushing straight to the shore in search for her. unsurprisingly, she was there, sat on the sand, letting the waves crash over her legs. "what's wrong sarah?" john b looks around, seeing the party had dispersed. the sun had gone down almost completely, the black stars and moon shining. sarah sighs. "i'm not even sure." is all she can muster out. he's confused, "are you mad about kiara?" she groans at the sound of her name. "why would i care john b?" he shrugs, "well you won't tell me what the actual problem is, so i'm sorry for assuming." she shakes her head, "i need to get home. can you take me?" he nods, "of course." he reaches her his hand to help her get up, she ignored it and got up by herself. she sluggishly made it back to the twinkie. she frowns leaning her head on the car's headrest. john b drops sarah off at her house, she quickly gives him a thank you, hopping out of the car. heading inside her home, she jumps into bed. annoyance and confusion clouding her mind. she changed into pajamas, going straight to bed.
back at kiaras place, you and kiara had ate some snacks, and were now sitting on her bed cuddling. you two were talking about the first time you realized you had feelings for each other. you went first. "well it was when jj introduced us. you were wearing black shorts, and a crop top. your hair was perfect, and you had a huge smile on your face. you looked so pretty, and carefree. i thought you were so cool. after hearing about your passions, and interest, i was so entranced by you." kiara listens intently, blushing at your words. "i first liked you after the first time we hung out for the first time alone, without jj, or pope. we never really got to hang out like that." you laugh agreeing, "but we finally did it, and how i felt for you changed. i felt authentically myself. i didn't feel that around our other friends. i knew we'd be good friends, obviously. but then i started getting the urge to kiss you. and every time we were in public i wanted to reach for your hand." you grab her chin and lean in for a kiss. kiara kisses back, her hands reaching for yours. she pulls away. "will you be my girlfriend?" you kiss her again, "yes! i would love to be your girlfriend kiara." you guys' kiss once more. "wanna watch a movie?" you ask. she hands you the remote. "yes but don't get upset if i fall asleep, you make me feel cozy." she stands up to turn the lights off. "okay i promise, i wont."
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fandomgirlz01 · 1 month ago
The Most Perfect Christmas Ever
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JJ Maybank X Routledge Reader
Imagine on fandom instagram?: No
Prompt or Request or Requested Prompt?: Yes: (1) "Cute Christmas socks." (2) "Are you going to stay out there in the cold all night?" (3) "Come here. I bet you can fit in my coat with me and it’ll warm you up." (4) "Is that my scarf?" (5) "Be careful you’re clumsy and it’s really slippery out here." (6) "Ah. The ground is so slippy.!” (7) "Call me elf one more time!" (8) "Chaos has come again." (9) "Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone." (10) "Come here. I bet you can fit in my coat with me and it’ll warm you up." (11) "Everything I want I can’t have." (12) "Here. Let me pick you up so you can reach the top of the Christmas tree." (13) "How long ago did (Character) fall asleep?" (14) "I believe the Abominable Snowman may be real. I think there may be something in that." (15) "I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold."
Style of Writing: Single Fic 
Rating: PG ~ For all the fluff and cuteness, but a few adult comments…
Edited: Yes
Word count: 6,648  
Post Date & Time: Originally posted: December 25th 2024 at 1:45 AM Reposted: January 23rd 2025 at 10:57 PM
Warnings Here 
Listen to the story be read out loud here {coming soon}.
Summary: You, your brother John B and JJ (Jackson Jessy "Maybank" Groff) spend another Christmas together, your first Christmas without your father after he’d gone missing. This Christmas however is different than all the others that the three of you have spent together. 
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Authors Note: I got these amazing prompts from a fellow writers page @bonniebird Bonnie is an inspiration to me as well as an amazing writer and artist. I did change some of them up so they fit the story better, but I did try to keep them pretty close to the original prompts. Anyway, Bonnie’s work never fails to make me smile and feel all the feelings that I should when reading. I WISH I could write as amazingly as she does, but I’m nowhere near her level yet, I hope and pray that one day I will be. Ladies and gentlemen please go give her love and support because she really deserves it. She’s one of my many inspirations and I’m so so happy to use her prompts because they really pushed me to write this fic even though I was blocked for all of my other works. I feel like it helped me break out of it, so THANK YOU Bonnie for everything 🩵🩵🩵
Also this is our first JJ Maybank fic. We have so much coming out for JJ he will eventually be added into our main people we write for so be on the look out for when we add that in. We both hope you guys enjoy this one. 🩵
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You hum softly to yourself along with the Christmas music you have playing as you lay out the decorations. Every Christmas, you, John B, your dad, and JJ would enjoy Christmas together. When you were growing up and found out what JJ’s dad did to him (you didn’t tell them of course, because that’s JJ’s place to tell people about it), you begged for JJ to start spending the holidays with you. Ever since that very first time they agreed, he’s always come over. It’s always been your absolute favorite time of year. How could it not be? When you have JJ and John B around you, your two favorite people? This year is different though, because it’s the first Christmas without your father since he had disappeared only a few months ago now. 
“Hey. Wow. You’ve really got everything ready,” John B comments in shock as he looks at everything you’ve laid out so far. 
“It’s Christmas, JB, of course I’ve got everything ready. Don’t I always?” You ask, raising an eyebrow at him and shrugging. 
“I can’t believe it’s Christmas Eve and we’re only now decorating…” you shake your head and he chuckles. 
“I know normally you have it all started the last week of November,” he comments, amusement clear in his tone. 
“I know right! I’m so behind. This year has been a lot… it’s been one stressful year…” you mutter out with a roll of your eyes and he again hums in amusement as you bite your lip. 
“Hey. I get it. It definitely has been wild,” John B agrees and you sigh. 
“It’s just… it’s the first one without dad. We should still celebrate, be happy to still all be together right?” You ask, unsure of your own words. 
“Of course, bug. I’m sure we’ll enjoy it,” he tells you as he stops you for a moment to pull you into a hug. 
“Plus, I’ll have my two favorite guys with me. I’m happy and I refuse to not be happy during my favorite time of year,” you push away from the hug as you ramble while continuing to lay stuff out, not bothering to spare a look at your brother. 
“Hey. I get it. I do. No need to preach it to me, bug,” he reverently tells you, giving you a small shrug. 
You continue to lay ornaments and many other decorations out on the table. You step back to look at your handiwork, proud of how it looks. You get pulled out of your thoughts when your brother laughs, making you look at him instead. 
“What?” You ask him, eyebrow propped and he points down at your feet. 
"Cute Christmas socks," he tells you though chuckles and you look down at them, pushing up onto your toes. 
“Oh, really? Good, I got both you and JJ a pair of your own,” you inform him with a giant grin and his face falls. 
“There’s no way JJ will be wearing those…” he tells you and you giggle. 
“Who says! They’re cute!” You cry out and he chuckles, shaking his head. 
“Sorry to tell ya, bee, JJ doesn’t do cute,” he tells you with humor lacing his tone. 
“Fine. You’ll wear them though, right?” You ask, giving him puppy dog eyes. 
“Not a chance. Puppy eyes don’t work on me anymore, bee,” he tells you and you smirk even though he’s not looking at you. 
“Really? Then why won’t you look at me, huh?” You teasingly ask and he huffs. 
“No reason. No reason at all. Speaking of your two favorite people, where's the other?” John B asks with a hint of humor, changing the subject as he picks up an ornament to look at before carefully setting it back down. 
“Actually, he was supposed to be here about thirty minutes ago…” you comment as you finally look up at the clock. 
“Don’t worry, bug. It’s JJ, I’m sure he’s just running late,” John B tries to comfort you, but you shake your head, rushing over to start putting your jacket on. 
“Exactly. It’s JJ. He’s never late this time of year. He loves having Christmas with us,” you comment as you shove your feet into your shoes. 
“Bug? What are you doing?” John B rushes over to you and you shrug as you stand while zipping up your jacket. 
“I’m going to look for him. What if he needs us?” You counter as you wrap a scarf around your neck and John B sighs. 
“I’m coming with you then,” he informs you as he grabs his own jacket. 
You give him a look of exasperation before shaking your head once more. You pull the door open before starting down the porch, but John B pulls you to a stop. You go to yell at him, but he raises his hands in surrender before pointing over at something and you turn to look where he's pointing. You see JJ sitting curled up on the dock and you sigh in relief. 
“You go talk to him. I’ll finish setting up, okay?” John B offers and you smile softly at him. 
“Don’t you wanna go over?” You ask, popping an eyebrow at him and he pauses with lips pursed in thought. 
“No. It looks more like a you and him moment,” John B answers with a small soft smile. 
“Okay. If you’re sure, birdy,” you tell him, giving a side eye to see if he changes his mind. 
When he doesn’t show any signs of changing his mind, you firmly nod at him before starting to walk over to JJ as John B heads back inside. It’s a cold night so you bring your cupped hands up to your mouth and breathe into them, hoping to warm yourself up a little. Once your hands have warmed up, you move them under your armpits, trying to keep them that way as you move closer and closer to JJ. 
“Jayj…” you call out softly and you can see your breath in the air. 
“Hi, cupcake…” he mutters, not looking at you which makes you frown. 
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong?” You ask as you sit next to him, your feet dangling over the side of the dock. 
“JJ, talk to me…” you mutter out when he doesn’t answer. You move to cuddle into his side, but he uses his shoulder to shove you off, still keeping his face out of view. 
“JJ. Seriously, what’s wrong?” You ask as you grab his shoulder, trying to pull him to look at you even though you already have an idea about what’s going on. 
“Just leave me alone, cupcake. Please?” he practically begs, still turned away from you and you frown even harder. 
“Jayj, please…” you whisper out to him once again and he sighs, finally turning to you, not liking the hurt in your voice. 
“Oh, JJ…” you gasp when you see his face full of black and blue bruises. You had a feeling that it’d be about his dad, but you had no clue it’d be this bad. 
“See, that’s why…” he mutters, looking away from you once more. 
“I don’t want you pitying me again… you do it far too often,” he mutters after you haven’t said anything.
“I don’t pity you, JJ. If anything I think it makes you incredibly strong…” you tell him with a firmness to your tone and he feels himself getting choked up. 
“Yeah… whatever…” he responds, not believing you as he shoves you off again. 
“I’m really sorry, JJ…” you mutter softly, not knowing what else to say to get him to believe you. You frown with a shake of your head as tears well up in your eyes.  
“What do you have to be sorry for? You didn’t do this…” JJ asks as he still refuses to look at you and you reach out for him again. 
“I’m sorry you have to go through this. I’m sorry you got dealt such a bad hand in life. I wish… I wish I could force Luke to see you. To actually see you,” you explain as you're finally able to pull him to look at you. He wishes he could wipe your frown off but only smiles softly at you. 
“It’s not so bad. I’ve got you and John B. It could be worse I guess,” he tells you with a shrug as he looks away again and out to the water. 
“I mean, you are right. Having us is pretty awesome,” you agree playfully, bouncing your eyebrows and he chuckles to himself, shaking his head. You smile, seeing his tough exterior finally starting to break down.
“It really is,” he softly agrees as he still looks out over the water and you hold back a sigh. 
“Well, are you going to stay out here in the cold all night and stew in what happened? Or are you going to come in and have fun with your favorite person?” You goad him while nudging him with your shoulder. 
“Oh, John B’s my favorite person now, huh?” he playfully asks, his own lips forming a bit bigger of a smirk now and you gasp. 
“Umm, no. I was actually talking about myself,” you respond with a deadpan look that makes him smile even more as he laughs, shaking his head. 
“What makes you think you’re my favorite person?” he asks you, all smiles now and you can’t help but smile alongside him. 
“It made you smile, didn’t it?” You answer him with a shrug and he’s shaking his head in disbelief again. 
“Yeah… yeah. It did,” he chuckles, continuing to smile softly at you.
"Well come on, then, let's get inside. We have a tree to decorate still and many other Christmas festivities,” you tell him with a beaming smile as you go to get up, but he reaches out and stops you. 
“Can we maybe just stay here for a moment more?” he mutters out and you blink at him for a moment.
“Yeah, of course, Jayj…” you softly tell him and he smiles a small smile at you. 
The two of you sit in silence for a little while before JJ, who's not wearing a coat, starts to shake a little bit."Come here. I bet you can fit in my coat with me and it’ll warm you up," You tell him as you hold your coat open to him. 
“Thanks, cupcake,” he mutters as he slides in under your arm and you smile warmly at him. 
“Of course, Jayj. It’s us against the world,” you whisper to him as you bring your pinky up and he smiles again before bringing his up as well, wrapping it around yours. 
“Us against the world, cupcake,” he agrees and you sigh, laying your head against his that now lays on your shoulder. 
“Hey, is this my scarf?” he asks after a while of silence as he lifts one of the sides of the scarf up. 
“Umm. Yeah, I think it’s the one you left here last year. I found it in my winter clothes. You can have it back if you want,” you answer with your cheeks burning hot and you try to hide your face. 
“Nah. Keep it. It’s a better fit on you than me,” he tells you softly and again you can’t help but blush. 
He says nothing else after that, just cuddles back into your shoulder and you squeeze his shoulder. The two of you stay sitting there, cuddling while looking out over the water in silence and just enjoying each other’s presence. 
“Hey, tweedledee and tweedledum, are you two going to stay out there all night and make me decorate alone? Or are you going to come be of some help?”John B calls out for the two of you from the edge of the dock and you both roll your eyes. 
“Well, you ready to go in?” You ask him and he smiles at you before nodding. 
“Yeah, let’s go,” he agrees before pulling away and the two of you start to stand. 
"Be careful cupcake, you’re clumsy and it’s really slippery out here,” JJ tells you as he stands up and you cross your arms. 
“I’m not that clumsy!” You fight back and he hums in amusement. 
“Okay. I’ll believe that when you're not tripping over thin air,” he jokes back with a smirk and you scowl at him. 
“Whatever…” you tell him as you roll your eyes before turning and taking a step to head back to the house. 
You let out a small gasp as you start to fall back, but JJ, knowing you well, was already reacting and quickly pulling you back up. You stare at him in shock for a moment before you slowly start to smile, making him smile too. 
"You were right. The ground really is so slippery,” You joke, eyes wide in shock and he playfully rolls his eyes at you. 
“Never change, cupcake. You’re truly one of a kind,” JJ tells you with a grin that’s utterly infectious. 
“Only if you promise never to change yourself, Jayj. You’re one of a kind too,” you request and he nods in agreement. 
You both stare at one another for a moment, your eyes staring into the blue pools that are his eyes that you’ve come to love so much over the years and you have a burning need to kiss him. You can feel his heart going what seems to be a mile a minute as he watches your eyes flicker down to his lips and back up to his eyes, his eyes doing the same. He squeezes your waist gently with a million thoughts of how your lips might taste flying though his mind. He wishes he could just kiss the adorable frown off your face, but he knows he can’t, making him frown too. You frown even deeper before opening your mouth to ask him why he’s frowning, but before you get the chance, you get cut off. 
“Hey! Would you two stop making eyes at each other and come help me decorate!” John B calls out again, interrupting the moment and you almost groan. 
“Thanks for catching me, Jayj,” you whisper out and something flashes through his eyes for a moment, an emotion you can’t quite decipher before he grins again, letting you go. 
“I’ll always catch you, cupcake,” he promises with a light smile before the two of you start to walk over to John B. 
You slip a little bit more, but you reach out and grab onto JJ’s arm. He looks down at you and chuckles as you cling to him like a koala bear, making him chuckle. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll get you to the end of the dock safely,” he promises with a laugh as he laces his fingers through yours and continues to walk over to John B. 
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"Chaos has come again, man!” JJ announces as you and he walk into the château before he’s letting go of you to walk over to John B. 
“Don’t think that’s a good thing, man,” John B deadpans and you fight back a giggle as JJ pulls back from the guy hug they share, looking offended. 
“Fine then, I take it back. You’re definitely not my favorite person. It’s cupcake,” JJ says as he pulls you into him from behind. 
“Oh, so now I’m your favorite,” you ask, crossing your arms and giving a faux annoyed look. 
“Let’s be completely honest, bee, I think you always have been even when he lies outta his butt and says you aren't,” John B comments with a roll of his eyes as he picks up an ornament and hangs it on the tree. 
“It’s disgusting sometimes, really,” John B continues with a fake gag as he hangs the ornament up on the tree. 
“Ohh, I wanna do the angel!” You happily call out, clapping your hands and John B chuckles. 
“Don’t you always do it? This year’s no different, Bee. It’s your one job,” John B comments in amusement, making you pout. 
“It’s not my only job! I have others,” you fight back and JJ chuckles, slinging his arm around your shoulder. 
“Yeah, JB, her other job is lookin pretty,” JJ comments as he hugs you into his side and you fight a blush as you groan, pushing him away. 
“I extremely dislike both of you,” you comment, crossing your arms with a look of dismay falling on your face and they both grin. 
“That’s not true. You LOVE us,” both of them singsong to you and you uncross your arms, shaking your head. 
“Okay, maybe I do, but let’s get this show on the road,” you finally cave and agree with them before walking over to start decorating the tree some more. 
“Okay, miss head elf,” JJ jokes with a roll of his eyes and John B laughs. 
“Oh, that’s a good one, Jayj. She really is a snappy head elf this time of year, isn’t she?” John B agrees before pushing the joke a little further and you pause, crossing your arms again. 
"Call me elf one more time!" You seeth out through clenched teeth and they share a look. 
“Awe, come on, elfie. It’s a cute Christmas nickname, that’s all. Plus you're the perfect height for it,” JJ tells you again, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as he squeezes you affectionately and you huff, shaking your head. 
“Yeah, yeah. Come on, let’s get decorating already…” you tell them in annoyance and JJ snickers along with John B. 
Together you, JJ and John B all dance around and decorate, making you completely forget about everything that’s been going on the past few months. For a moment it’s just you and your two favorite people living happily with nothing and nobody to take it away from you. You’d give anything to live every single day like this. You walk away, still laughing at something JJ had said and walk back in with the scissors. You stop and fondly watch as John B and JJ fight over who gets to put an ornament on a certain branch. Blue Christmas by Elvis starts to play and without realizing it, you start to cry. 
“You okay there cupcake?” JJ asks as he turns around to see you crying and worry flows through him. 
“I’m okay, Jayj…” you tell him softly with a gentle smile on your face as you set the scissors on the table. 
“Then why the tears?” John B asks and you giggle, wiping at your eyes. 
“I just wish we could all live like this everyday. Just us three having the times of our lives with nothing to worry about,” you start, pausing to catch your breath a little and sniffle. 
“Both Kie and Pope have their parents. I’m happy to just have you two,” you explain, more tears welling up in your eyes and JJ clicks his tongue, coming over to give you a hug. 
“I’m happy we have each other too, Bee, but unfortunately we can’t have it everyday. There’s always going to be good and bad days,” John B agrees with you as he too comes over to hug you. 
“I know, I just wish it could be that way,” you sigh out and JJ squeezes you once more. 
“I think we all do, cupcake. Let’s just try to live in this moment then, yeah? Enjoy the time we have,” he asks and you grin up at him. 
“Yeah, okay,” you agree and he smiles, happy to see you back to your happy-go-lucky self. 
You gasp as the song’s lyrics perfectly fit the moment. “But I’ll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas without you,” you sing along to Elvis as you sway and JJ shakes his head, but smiles as he watches you enjoy the music. 
“Perfect timing, much?” he jokes, propping an eyebrow and making both you and John B burst out laughing. 
“Yeah… definitely don’t quit your day job, bug,” John B jokes and you shrug, seemingly unfazed by his playful insult. 
“And what day job would that be, birdy? Hunting for gold?” You playfully ask back, sticking your tongue out at him. 
“Okay. Okay… you win,” he chuckles, holding his hands up in surrender. 
“I always win,” you say in a devious tone with an equally devious look. 
“Don’t I always win, Jay?” You ask, turning to JJ who looks between you and John B in a panic for a moment. 
“Sorry, JB. I have to say she is definitely a winner in my book,” JJ tells both of you and you let out a cheer, pumping your fist in the air. 
“Eat it, birdy!” You cheer out as you do a little dance. 
“So not fair! JJ’s only on your side because he’s crushing hard. Let’s bring Sarah in as a tie breaker,” John B complains and you pause your dance, crossing your arms as you prop an eyebrow at him. 
“How would that break the tie? One, Sarah would choose me too, and second, that’d only make it tied even more if she did choose you,” you comment very pointedly and he shrugs, sticking his tongue out. 
“At least it’d be more fair. Again, JJ only chose you because he’s crushing on you,” John B repeats and you shake your head. 
“And Sarah is so crushing on you,” you point out and JJ lets out an “ooooohhh”, making you laugh. 
“She got you there, JB,” JJ comments with an infectious smirk.
“Okay birdy, you win. I take it as a compliment that my favorite person is crushing on me though,” you happily reply, leaving a kiss on JJ’s cheek and he blushes before awkwardly clearing his throat. 
“Okay. Okay. Enough fighting, you two. I think it’s time to put the angel up, right?” JJ cuts in, only wanting to change the subject as he holds the angel up for you.
“Yeah, okay.” You agree as you take the angel from him. 
You look down at the angel in your hands, the angel you and your mom had picked out together when you were five. You don’t remember much of her, John B does because he’d been a little older (he’d been seven) when she left, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still hurt when you think about how she just left the three of you behind. John B and your dad had told you so much about her that sometimes she felt like a phantom to you, like someone that was there for a second, someone you knew so well, then gone the very next. Tears well up in your eyes and you look up at John B. He immediately knows what you’re thinking and lets out a sigh, sad for you as always; he always felt sad you couldn’t fully remember her like he could. 
“I know, bug. I miss mom too,” John B sympathizes with you and you wipe under your eyes as JJ squeezes your shoulder. 
“I just wish I’d gotten to actually know her a little more,” you mutter and JJ pulls you into a hug, knowing that’s the only sure way to comfort you. 
“Here, cupcake. Let me pick you up so you can reach the top of the Christmas tree.” JJ tells you after pulling away from the hug and he bends down before slipping his head between your legs lifting you as he stands. 
“You better not drop me, Jayj!” You squeak out before giggling hysterically as you’re now sitting on his shoulders, one hand in his hair, the other holding the angel and he stands straight. 
“I would never dream of it, cupcake,” he sweetly tells you as he holds you a little tighter to make it known he definitely won’t drop you. 
You grin as you put the angel on the tree before looking down to see JJ looking up at you. You nod at him and he bends to let you down slowly. Once you have both feet on the ground, he stands up straight next to you. You smile at him before suddenly you're letting out a gasp, pushing JJ away just the slightest but in your excitement. 
“What? What’s wrong?” JJ asks with immediate worry as he looks at John B for help, but John B just shrugs. 
“It’s If Everyday Was Like Christmas, my favorite Elvis Christmas song,” you happily explain and JJ lets out a sigh of relief, shaking his head. 
“We should have known,” John B playfully rolls his eyes. 
“Oh, we really should have, dude. She is an old soul,” JJ agrees and he chuckles as you start to sway again just as you had with Blue Christmas and JJ shakes his head again as you hold a hand out for him. 
“What?” JJ asks with an arched eyebrow and you grin, making his heart melt at seeing you so happy. 
"I want to dance with you. Come on. Dance with me, Jayj,” you beg, holding your hand out to him more insistently. 
“Okay, but you should know I’m not a good slow dancer, sweetheart,” he informs you as he takes your hand in his and you smile as you help him get into position. 
“It’s okay, J. Just sway with me. We don’t have to be all that fancy, we’re Pogues, remember? Not kooks,” you remind him and he laughs as he sways with you. 
“P4L. Never a kook,” JJ happily agrees, proud that you feel the same way he does. 
You lay your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes and his leans against yours. He looks at John B for a moment over your shoulder, who seems to be watching the two of you fondly. John B then surprises him by putting his hands up in surrender before leaving the room and JJ melts against you a little more. 
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When If Everyday Was Like Christmas ends, both of you slowly come to a stop and you lift your head from his shoulder to look at him. You smile softly and again there’s a moment where you lock eyes. His bright brilliant blue eyes shining with happiness and another emotion that makes you think you might just kiss, but just like all the other moments over the years where you’d been close, John B walks back into the room. 
“And what’s going on here?” John B asks, ever the overprotective brother that he is and you roll your eyes. 
“Nothing, birdy. Are we watching Die Hard or not?” You change the subject as you push away from JJ and he tries not to frown at the missing feeling of your body heat. 
“Not. I thought we could open a gift or two,” John B tells you and you arch an eyebrow at him. 
“I thought we all agreed on no gifts this year?” You ask and John B shrugs. 
"I’d be down. I know we said no presents this year, but I wanted to get you both something special to show you how much I appreciate you, so I did…" JJ admits with a shrug and John B grins.
“My gifts really aren't much. Just one to open tonight and tomorrow for each of us. All have super special meanings, that’s all,” John B informs you and you grin, shaking your head. 
“Well, I really can’t say much. I did the same thing,” you admit with a giggle when they both give you a shocked look. 
“Bee! It was your idea!” John B cries out and you smile sheepishly. 
“Oops,” you shrug, feigning innocence. "Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone else, right?” You ask with a lopsided grin and John B lets out a chortle, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“I mean, she’s not wrong, dude,” JJ happily chirps out and you smirk, bouncing your eyebrows. 
“I’m never wrong, Jayj,” you joke, poking his side and he scoffs. 
“Okay. Yeah, whatever you want to believe, cupcake,” he humors you as he rubs at the spot where you’d poked him. 
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After opening gifts, you’d all decided to watch the movie so you cuddle up next to JJ and John B sits in a chair off to the side. As the movie plays, JJ lays behind you with his strong arm wrapped around your waist like normal, and anytime he laughs you feel the warm air from his mouth over your neck, making goosebumps rise on your arms. You fight the whole movie not to fall even more in love with him and the way he holds you, but just like any other time the two of you cuddle, you do. 
“Well, I’m beat. I’m going to bed,” John B announces as he slaps his hands down on the arms of the chair and pushes himself up. 
“Goodnight, JB,” you call out as he walks toward his room and he turns around. 
“Goodnight, bumblebee. Sleep tight,” he replies with a soft smile your way. 
“So cupcake, you heading to bed, too?” JJ asks and you look up at him. 
“I’m not really tired. I might go lay in the hammock for a little while,” you inform him and he nods, letting go of your waist. 
“You could come join me if you want, but you definitely don’t have to,” you tell him, biting at your lip, nervous he might say no and he chuckles. 
“And skip out on our special hammock time?” he asks like he is offended and he smiles when you perk up. 
“Really?” You ask in excitement and he smiles even more. 
“Really, cupcake. I love our hammock time. Let’s go,” he promises softly as he pushes up off the couch and grabs the blanket the two of you always use. 
He then turns to you and looks down at you sitting up before reaching a hand out to you. You smile almost shyly as you slip your hand into his and he pulls you up from the couch. He wraps his arm around your shoulders and together you walk out of the château. You both walk down the stairs and over to the hammocks. 
“After you, princess,” JJ tells you as he bows like a butler would and you giggle.
“Why, thank you. You're a very kind Prince, you know that?” You ask him as he lays down with you now and he holds his arm up for you to cuddle up to his side. 
“Well it’s easy to be kind to a princess like you,” he tells you and you roll your eyes at his flirtiness as he uses his other hand to put the blanket over the two of you. 
You giggle as he struggles to lay the blanket out evenly over the two of you and you reach out to grab the other side, pulling it over yourself. You both finally relax and he squeezes you softly as the two of you look up to watch the very prominent stars in the sky. 
“Can I tell you a secret, cupcake?” he whispers out to you after a few minutes as he uses his fingers to rub your arm. 
“Of course, Jayj… you can tell me anything. You know that,” you promise as you cuddle into his side even more. 
"I believe the Abominable Snowman may be real... I think there may be something in that," he whispers and you slowly grin, turning to smile at him. 
“You might actually be right… I mean, who’s to say he’s not real?” You ask and he chuckles, loving the fact that you just agree with him. 
“I think I may have everything I want right here right now,” you whisper out as you cuddle back down into him with a hum of contentment. 
"Everything I want I can’t have,” he admits and you frown, pushing up to look at him again. 
“What do you mean? You don’t have everything you want? What else could you want?” You ask with a frown, sad that he could possibly not be as happy as you thought he was. 
He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment before letting them open once more. His blue eyes stare into yours and you almost lose yourself in them. 
“You,” he whispers almost nervously and you’ve never seen JJ at his nervous before as you raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Jayj. You have me. I’m not sure why you think you don’t,” you tell him in confusion and he huffs in anger, but not in anger at you. No, he’d never be angry at you, but he is angry you're not getting it. 
“No, princess. You don’t get it… I want us to be… uggh,” he groans out, reaching up to rub at his chest and your eyebrow furrows even more as you reach up, moving his hand before rubbing his chest for him. 
“Jay. Just calm down and tell me. It’s okay… you want us to be…” you prompt him to continue on as he seems to calm a little more. 
“Okay… uhh… I want us to be more than friends, and I know Pogues don’t Mack on Pogues, but I’ve wanted to be so much more with you for years…” he admits, hesitation clear as he refuses to look at you for the second time that night and you just smile.  
“Jayj… look at me, please…” you whisper out and it takes him a moment, but soon he does.
"It was always you, through everything it was always you, Jayj. Nobody else,” you whisper again with a grin growing on your face as you watch him slowly realize exactly what you’d said. 
“Wait… really? But wait… what?” he asks in confusion and you giggle. 
"I'd always choose you, Jayj.” You softly promise and nuzzle into his chest bashfully and he chuckles, bringing his hand up to your head to massage at your scalp. 
“I’d always choose you too, Princess,” JJ promises just as softly as he leaves a kiss to your forehead. 
“You missed…” you tell him with a confident grin as you sit up to look at him and he chuckles again, shaking his head. 
“Oh, my bad. Let’s see if I can fix my mistake then,” he jokes right back with his own smile growing. 
Before you know it, his hand trails from your hair and to your neck, lightly pulling you to him while tilting your head ever so slightly. He moves slowly and treats you so gently, making the butterflies erupt even more in your stomach. There’s a thick anticipation that falls over you with how slowly you move closer together, but it’s the kind of anticipation you really don’t want to end. Finally his lips meet yours in a firm yet delicate and maybe a little desperate kiss. You are a little surprised, thinking it would have been a little more heated with knowing how JJ is, but the delicacy of which he kisses you proves to you just how much he’s wanted this. 
He worries if he makes it any more heated like he normally does with other girls, he’d ruin this whole moment and he really doesn’t want to lose you. You're the most important girl out of all the ones he’s ever been with, so if he messes it up he’s scared he might lose you all together. You take a leap and kiss him a little harder, surprising him for the smallest of moments, but he smirks into the kiss before reciprocating it even more. You smile into the now heated kiss as you reach up and wrap your arms around his neck and play with the hair at the nip of his neck, making him groan. You then maneuver a little more so now instead of laying side by side you lay on top of him and he squeezes your waist after his hands move from your neck. 
Slowly you pull away, breaking the kiss almost unwillingly and he chases your lips, giving them another peck and you giggle. He then leans his forehead against yours and you grin wide as both of your heavy breaths mingle together. 
“Wow…” you whisper, biting your lip and he grins at you. 
“Definitely wow. I’ve wanted to do that for a very long time,” he admits and you grin as you use your thumb to trace his lips. 
“I know it may be early, but I love you, Jayj. You’re my favorite Christmas gift,” you tell him as you scoot down and lay your head on his chest. 
“It’s not early at all, princess. I think we’ve loved each other for a while now. We’ve just been too scared to tell each other,” he tells you as he kisses your head and pulls you even closer then before. 
“Oh, and you're my favorite gift too, sweet girl. I love you,” JJ adds on and you sigh happily. 
“Merry Christmas, Jayj…” you mutter out as tiredness takes over your body. 
“Merry Christmas, cupcake,” JJ parrots you again, squeezing you a little closer. 
It’s a little while later and JJ smiles when he realizes your breathing has evened out, meaning you’re happily asleep in his arms. He yawns, but refuses to fall asleep quite yet, just wanting to enjoy having what he thought he never could. 
"How long ago did bug fall asleep?" he hears a whisper, making him look up at John B. 
“Only a little while ago. She’ll probably sleep in a lot more than the last few years. I thought you went to bed?” JJ whispers, not wanting to wake you as you sleep soundly on his chest. 
“I did, but I knew you two would come out here and I wanted to check to make sure you're all good before I actually fall asleep,” John B whispers back and JJ smiles a thankful smile at him. 
“Thanks, man. We’re good,” JJ tells him and John B nods, pausing to watch your sleeping face. 
“You take care of her, you hear me, JJ? You break her and best friends or not, I will break you,” John B says in a serious whisper and JJ’s eyes widen for a moment. 
“Don’t worry, dude. I don’t plan to and if it ever does happen, I’d break myself before you even get the chance,” JJ whispers honestly and John B smiles at his best friend. 
“I know, but now that the two of you got wise and got together, I still need to make it known. I’m her big brother first and foremost,” John B informs him with a shrug and a happy smile at seeing his sister happy, as well as safe and sound in his best friend's arms. 
“Goodnight, JJ. Sleep well, buddy,” John B tells him before turning and starting back to the château. 
“Night, man. You sleep well too,” JJ tells him in a happy whisper as he nuzzles into your hair. 
John B knows without a doubt that JJ is good for his little sister and you are for JJ too. He’s so happy the two of you have finally confessed and made it official. He’s had to watch the two of you pine for one another for years and it was painful sometimes because he cares for both of you so much. First and foremost though, as he’d told JJ, you are and will always be his first thought. It’s just a big brother thing to protect his little sister. 
JJ watches until John B makes it into the château before deciding to hold you close for a little while longer. Before he knows it, your soft, even breathing lulls him into his own slumber and his eyes close, but even in his sleep he holds you close, never ever wanting this Christmas to end; the most perfect Christmas ever for the both of you. 
The End…
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 1 year ago
Glue (Part 1)
Summary: JJ is living a nightmare when his best friend, Reader, is kidnapped and held for ransom by his father.
TW/CW: Routledge!Reader x JJ Maybank, Angst
Requested?: No
Word Count: 1,822
A/N: omg this took so long to write... Requests are Open! Much love to all!
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    That’s (Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/M/N) Routledge. My sister is a jack of all trades. Surfing, mischief, singing, boating, fishing, you name it, she’s probably good at it. Her favorite place to be is on the waves. She’s a feisty little firecracker and I often find myself dragging her out of a sticky situation. Love her to death. She’s a hoot.  
--- Your POV --- 
    “(Y/N)!” my best friend yells.   
    I throw my arm over my eyes and yell back, “What JJ? What could you possibly be yelling about this early in the morning?”  
    No response. I throw my arm down and poke my head up over the side of the hammock. Looking around I see no one and assume he’s just screwing with me. I close my eyes and throw my arm back over them. “(Y/N)!” This time I shoot up glaring around. Finally, I see the hood of the HMS Pogue up. Grumbling, I stumble out of my comfy spot and shuffle toward the dock. I can’t stop a large yawn as I spot JJ with his head buried under the hood.   
    I sigh rubbing the bridge of my nose, “What the fuck are you doin’, JJ?”  
    “Damn engine is clankin’ again,” comes his muffled reply as he fidgets with the engine.   
    I grab the back of his shirt and tug, “Get out of there, will ya? Before you screw something up.”  
    “I’m not gonna fuck it up. Hand me that wrench?” He responds pointing with his free hand. I roll my eyes and pick up the wrench, handing it to him before plopping down on the side of the boat. He fiddles around inside the engine compartment for a few moments before asking, “Where’s John B?”  
    “How should I know? I just woke up,” I answer, annoyance evident in my tone.  
    “Chill Princess. Was just askin’” he laughs.  
    A few moments go by of silence aside from the bumps and knocks of JJ’s tools and the soft splashing of the waves. Suddenly JJ yells, yanking his hand out of the boat’s insides and looking at it in frustration. “What’d you do?” I ask.  
    “Uhhhh,” he quickly hides his hand in his shirt, “Nothing just banged my hand.”  
    I get up from my seat and shuffle toward him. I gently tug his hand into view and spot a large gash across the back of his hand. He hisses as I wipe the blood away with my shirt. “I’ll go get the first aid kit.”  
    I clamber off the boat and make my way to the rebuilt Chateau. The first thing my brother did after the whole gold mess died down was rebuild our childhood home. Making my way to the bathroom I fish the first aid kit out of the cabinet and grab a towel from the hook. As I exit the bathroom, I bump into someone, “You’re usually not too eager to get bandaged up,” I comment, assuming it’s just JJ. The person places a gun to my stomach and puts their other hand over my mouth. I drop the supplies as I realize who it is.   
    “Make a single sound and I’ll shoot you,” Luke growls and I can’t help the wave of fear that rolls through me. “You’re coming with me, darlin’,” my stomach rolls. I debate my options mentally. I could try to fight him, but I have no real chance considering he’ll put a bullet in me before I can make it out the door. Before I can come up with any kind of exit strategy, he drags me out of the house and to a truck parked a good distance away from the dock. He shoves me in the passenger seat and takes off, keeping the gun trained on me the entire time. It’s not long before we pull into a marina and he’s yanking me around again. He drags me inside a houseboat and shoves me into a small room, tying my hands before leaving.  
--- JJ’s POV --- 
    I pause my one-handed work and drop the wrench to wipe blood away from my cut again. I look toward the house and see no sign of (Y/N). I check my phone and realize she’s been gone for a good fifteen minutes. She should’ve been back by now. I hear a truck rumble in the distance but think nothing of it as I make my way inside. “(Y/N)?” I walk through the house and finally see the first aid kit and a towel on the floor outside the bathroom, “(Y/N)!?” I yell, starting to panic. Ripping my phone out of my pocket I run outside as I dial John B’s number. It rings and rings and finally goes to voicemail. I dial again, still searching everywhere for any sign of (Y/N).   
    Finally, he picks up, “Yo, what’s up? Got that rust bucket running yet?”  
    “(Y/N)’s gone,” I say, too worried to beat around the bush.  
    “What? What do you mean she’s gone?”  
    “I mean she’s gone, man. She went inside to get the first aid kit because I cut my hand up and when she didn’t come back, I went looking for her,” my voice shakes as I hurriedly explain, “I found the first aid kit and a towel on the floor but no (Y/N).”  
    “We’re on our way now. Sit tight, don’t do anything stupid,” John B answers, sounding panicked himself, as the line clicks dead. I throw my phone at the ground and my fist at a tree. I was right outside. What the hell happened? I should’ve gone in with her. I throw another punch at the tree as countless similar thoughts run through my head.  
    By the time the Twinkie turns into the driveway, I’ve beat my knuckles bloody and am sitting on the porch steps with my head in my hands. After coming to a screeching halt, John B and Sarah jump out of the van. Sarah runs over to me, checking me over and taking note of my destroyed knuckles. John B on the other hand rushes inside and starts yelling for his sister. When he emerges from the Chateau, he’s frantic. Sarah stands and places her hand on his shoulder, “Just sit down and call Shoop.” She walks inside and returns soon after with the first aid kit.   
    “I need to file a missing person’s report,” John B states as Sarah takes a seat beside me and holds her hand out to me, expecting me to give her mine. “(Y/N) Routledge. She was last seen wearing,” he pauses and looks at me as he whispers, “What was she wearing?” I don’t have time to answer, “She was last seen like thirty minutes ago.” Having cleaned them of blood, Sarah wraps my hands in gauze as John B stands abruptly, “What do you mean I can’t file yet? She’s my sister!” He listens for a second as Sarah finishes with my bandages. “I don’t give a damn if it hasn’t been twenty-four hours. You know what? Put Shoop on. Let me talk to Shoop.” He removes his phone from his ear and glares at it, “They hung up.” His phone joins mine in the grass as he plops down beside me, dropping his head into his hands.  
    “You both just need to breathe for a sec, okay? We’ll find her. We’ll round everyone up and we’ll get her back,” Sarah states trying to calm us down. She pulls out her phone and types out a short message before returning her attention to us, “It’s gonna be okay.”  
    Feeling defeated I mumble, “‘Preciate the positivity but we don’t even know who took her.”  
    “We can’t just sit here,” John B firmly states, standing to return inside, probably in search of clues.  
    I drop my head back into my hands, yanking on my hair, “Fuck!” Sarah places her hand on my shoulder. “If I had gone inside with her instead of being focused on that damn boat- “   
    Sarah doesn’t let me finish, “Don’t you dare. Don’t start blaming yourself. You had no idea.”  
    John B returns, plopping back into his seat and assuming a position that copies mine. The three of us sit in silence for a while. Kie, Pope, and Cleo arrive and make their way to us. “What’s going on? Where’s (Y/N)?” Pope asks.  
    John B and I don’t bother to look up, so Sarah responds, “She’s missing.” Pope throws his hands up to his head and takes a few steps back   
    “Are you sure; sure she’s not just out doing (Y/N) stuff?” Cleo questions, fiddling with her knife.  
    “We’re sure. She went inside to get a first aid kit for JJ and didn’t come back out,” Sarah answers.  
    “Did you call the police?” Kie inquires, taking a seat beside Sarah.  
    “Of course, I called the cops Kie. They said we can’t file a report until she’s been missing 24 hours and wouldn’t let me talk to Shoop,” John B shoots back, sounding a bit harsh.  
    Before anyone else can say a word, my phone starts ringing from the weeds. I jump up and run over, “It could be her.” I pick it up and my hope falters. An unknown number is there where it should say Pogue Princess. I answer it anyway, “He-hello?”  
    “I want $100,000 in cash or you’ll never see your little girlfriend again,” comes a voice I hoped to never hear again, Luke.  
    I quickly run back over to the others and put my phone on speaker, “If you hurt her, I swear-”  
    Sarah pulls her phone out to record as soon as he starts to respond, “You swear? Swear what? What are you gonna do boy?” Shock plasters everyone’s features but he’s not done, “$100k in cash for your girl. You know what? Tell that Routledge boy he owes $100k too. And don’t even think about running to Shoop, soon as I catch wind of him, I’m putting a bullet between her pretty little eyes.” As he hangs up, Sarah ends the video and starts toward the van.  
    “Where’re you going?” John B inquires as I stand there frozen in shock and fear.  
    “We can take this video to Shoop and then he has no choice than to help us find her,” she answers.  
    This shakes me back to reality, “No! He’ll kill her.”  
    “He won’t if he has no clue. The police are trained for this sort of thing.”  
    “Sarah, we’ll find her and then send Shoop after him. I’m not risking my sister’s life,” John B interjects.  
    Sarah looks at us, silently begging us to do what she thinks is the right thing. Having no such luck, she looks to the other three hoping for backup.  
    Cleo nods her head as Pope speaks up, “I’m kind of with Sarah here.”  
    Kie shrugs, “She’s right They’re trained for this. We’re not.” John B and I look at each other knowing we’re outnumbered and we all head for the Twinkie. 
Part 2 Here
More JJ Maybank Imagines
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somethingswift19 · 1 year ago
Toxic - JJ Maybank x (f) reader
| JJ x Bartender (f) Reader
| Warnings : angst, swearing, cheating
| Summary: You are in a toxic situationship with JJ Maybank and no matter what you do, you can't seem to let him go.
| (a/n): Based off of a real conversation and very true events
This is my first ever imagine so please be nice :) hope you guys enjoy! P.S. feedback is greatly appreciated! Sorry if this is terrible!
Part 2
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"No. That's unacceptable," JJ seethed. "How could you be going on a date? No. Who the fuck is this guy anyway?" This argument was becoming less and less playful by the second. The usual playfulness in his tone was sounding more like jealousy.
"Don't worry about it," you sigh in response. "And I'm going because he's cute and funny and sweet. Plus my dad is pissed that I'm still single at 22." At this point you were just trying to end this conversation seeing as there were people actively sitting at the bar. Not to mention the fact that if your boss saw any of this happening on the cameras, you would both be screwed.
"Your dad and I have that in common," he smirked. "But I still don't think you should go."
"Why shouldn't I go? I'm not seeing anyone! So why the hell n-?"
"Because you can't!" JJ cut you off. "You're mine, don't you get that? It's my turn." His usual arrogant demeanor was faltering as darkness started forming behind his usually playful eyes.
"YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" you yelled getting more irritated by the second.
He looked like a puppy that had just been kicked. He knew you were right. He knew the position he had put you in. That he had lied to you time and time again. But he loved you, not her. "You know our situations are completely different. You know mine is complicated."
"No it's really not that complicated actually," rolling your eyes and giving an aggravated shrug of your shoulders. "Do you or do you not have a girlfriend?"
JJ just stared at you, letting out a huff. His blue eyes now appeared completely black as a pink tinge came over his lightly freckled face.
"I said do you or do you not-"
"YES! Ok, yes I do! But-"
"Then that's it!" it was your turn to cut him off. "It's not fair to me. None of this is fair to me! When you're here you act as if we are together. You're physically all over me. You compliment me and know what to say to make me feel special. Always keeping me attached somehow. You're always telling me how I'm beautiful and gorgeous and amazing...but then you go home to her."
"You were supposed to wait for me!" heartbreak evident in his voice.
"I DID WAIT!" a tear slipped down your cheek. "I did fucking wait for you! And you went back to her."
"That's cold."
"But it's true," you bit back. "And the worst part is I had to find out from someone else."
You thanked the heavens you were the mid and so your shift was ending. Gathering your things you quickly clock out and head for the door. Tears now threatening to spill over.
"Just wait! I'll have my turn one day!" a smirk covered his sun kissed face. It was a complete 180, his cockiness returning. Almost like he was pretending this argument never happened. "You're mine and that will never change."
As soon as you reach the parking lot the sobs started. Not because of the argument but because of what he just said...because deep down you know he's not wrong. And the thought of that makes you sick. How could you let yourself fall so head over heels in love with someone who is already taken? But then the image of his smile flashes through your mind and you think of what it feels like to be wrapped in his embrace and you have your answer.
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blckgrl-sunflower · 2 years ago
I just want to say thank you to all the fanfic writers on this app. I see you, and all your hardwork
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obx-archives · 1 year ago
alli's navigation! ⭐︎・
˗ˏˋ welcome ´ˎ˗
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- 20 something, brazilian babe who is obsessed with obx, tswift, and often cries about one direction.
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© obx-archives — no one has permission to copy or translate any of my works, if you see any of my work being reproduced in another platform please contact me! :)
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simpforboys · 28 days ago
frat!perv!manipulative!rafe who’s obsessed with topper’s dumb gf…
(warnings: shameless groping, dry humping, reader is innocent and ditsy, cheating (?))
series masterlist
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Sweet Jesus, no way you were actually that dumb?
When Rafe walked into the dorm he shared with Topper at the Sigma Alpha Phi fraternity house, he wasn’t too shocked to see you. After all, you were with his best friend.
“Hiya, Rafey.” You sweetly called out to him, lying on your stomach and mindlessly kicking your feet behind you while you scrolled on Instagram.
“Mhm, hey, pretty girl. Whaddya doin’ here alone? Top ditch you?” Rafe questioned, throwing his backpack down on his side of the room.
“He’s in the bathroom.” You murmur, eyes still glued to your phone as a funny meme came up, and you couldn’t help but giggle at it.
Rafe hummed in response, a small smirk curling onto his lips as he took in your outfit. A mini denim skirt, babydoll shirt, and… white lace panties.
Rafe knew you weren’t the smartest or most aware girl in the world, but your sweet and bubbly personality made up for the lack of it. And he can’t say he minded, really. Not when he always got to see peeks up those little skirts you wore or your bra every now and then.
“Sweetness, y’know your panties are hangin’ out, yeah?” Rafe scoffed, walking the five feet over to your boyfriend’s bed.
His large hands moved to grip your soft cheeks, pulling them apart to see the white piece of fabric barely covering your cunt.
You peered over your shoulder, seeing Rafe squeezing and touching your butt. It wasn’t anything new, Rafe always touched you like that when Topper was gone. But you were okay with it, because he always assured you that he was just looking out for you as his best friend’s girlfriend.
“‘m sorry, Rae. Didn’t realize.” You mumbled, before turning back to scroll on your phone, genuinely believing Rafe was fixing your skirt for you.
He climbs up onto the lifted bed, knees on either sides of your hips. “This skirt s’so damn frustratin’… doesn’t wanna come down this pretty ass.”
“Fix it, Rae.” You huffed, adding another post to your close friends story.
Rafe rolled his eyes. Damn brat. But his cock was painfully hard against his shorts, and he knew Topper took forever in the bathroom. “Yeah, baby, ‘m fixin’ it.”
So, his hands lifted your hips a bit, presenting more of your (barely) clothed cunt and ass to him. He pressed his erection against it, grinding slowly at first.
You just kept scrolling, unaware Rafe was dry humping you shamelessly on your boyfriend’s bed — because he was fixing your skirt.
He had to bite down on his lip to keep a moan from leaving the back of his throat. Your pussy was so fucking warm against his bulge, the lace revealing most of it.
And every day Rafe hates himself for not getting with you before Topper did. But, some sick part of him also liked the thrill of doing this on his best friend’s bed, with your ditsy brain.
The adrenaline coursing through him was enough to make him throw his head back a little, sculpted hips moving a bit quicker as he let out a strangled whimper.
His bulge directly hit your clothed clit, making you gasp out. “R-Rafey, are you fixin’ it?”
“Yeah, sweetness. Jus’ hold still f’me…”
He grunted, hands digging into your hips. The sound of your gasp and the delicious — yet not enough, friction felt made his hips stutter, eyes squeeze shut, a small moan leaving him as he cums in his shorts.
He pants a little before he snaps out of it, and reluctantly pulls your skirt down to cover most of your ass. The tall boy then climbs off the bed, looking down at you, still giggling at some meme.
And then Topper finally came in, bidding his friend a “hey”, unaware that his roommate just dry humped his girlfriend.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 3 months ago
୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. this is the face nerd!Rafe makes when u give him head for the first time ever… yeah…
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A heated make out session with his extremely hot tutee already felt like he was acting out some weird fantasy he’s seen in his favorite porno’s. But this? Oh, this was being saved in his memory for the rest of his life.
Your hands traveled down his body, giving him a small smirk as you kissed the skin of his stomach, pulling your tongue out and licking his happy trail, your hands moving to his belt, throwing it off of him. He watched eagerly, his eyes widening as you pulled off his pants and then his boxers, his hard cock springing against his stomach.
“You’re bigger than I thought you would be.” You mused, a shade of pink covering his cheeks now.
You went back up to kiss him again, his lips hungrily moving against your soft ones. You pulled away after a moment, and traveled back down to his cock.
“Wait, wait, are you sure?”
“More than sure.”
Oh fuck. That was hot.
His hips bucked when your mouth finally wrapped around his aching tip, letting out a low moan.
“Oh shit.” He murmured, his hands flying to your head. You put your hands at the base of his cock, while you let your mouth work around his girth. You swirled your tongue around it, and he felt like he was going to ascend into whatever heaven there was.
“Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck.” He groaned out breathily when you looked up at him through your lashes, “you’re- you’re really fucking pretty.” He let out a noise that could only be compared to a whine, his hands tangling further in your hair, gently pulling at it without even realizing. His mouth formed an ‘O’ shape as he stared down at you, his eyebrows creasing together.
You set a faster pace, your mouth speedily moving up and down on his length, while he let out the most delicious sounds you think a person could make. You felt drool forming on the corner of your mouth.
His head fell back on the pillows behind him, despite his attempts to keep looking at you. He raised his head again, letting out a guttural groan when you swirled your tongue once again.
“Y/n-“ he spoke, you still looking up at him with those beautiful eyes that were slowly killing him. He couldn’t take it anymore. You felt his warm cum shoot into your mouth, him letting out a shocked groan, his head falling back against the pillow again.
You pulled away, kitten licking the tip of his cock, swallowing all of his seed.
“Oh god, oh god, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He spoke rather embarrassed, covering his face with his hands. You smiled at him, tilting your head in confusion.
“You’re okay.” You said with a giggle, him looking at you now, moving his hands away from his face.
He gave you a sweet smile, “Uhm.. thank you. You’re- uhm- really, fucking good at that.”
“Really? Thank you…” you replied. He blushed under your gaze, and you smiled at his shyness. It was adorable.
He sat up on the bed, moving closer to you now. “Uhm… this might be a little… late, but, I- I really like you. And I was wondering if- uh- if maybe you’d wanna go on a date with me? Like- like a real one. With clothes, maybe.” He said with a nervous chuckle, you laughing along.
“I’d love to,” you replied, raising your hand so you could cradle his face, the both of your lips touching again, and the both of you falling back into his sheets.
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xveenusx · 2 years ago
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And Yet..
Paring(s): jj maybank x fem!reader
Summary: two people who should be together simply can't find their way. In other words, JJ can't let himself be loved and can't let her go.
Author's note: This one is brutal so prepare yourselves. Realistically, JJ would totally self sabotage any chance of happiness because he can't handle how it makes him feel so that's exactly what this is. Thank you for all the feedback on 3 seconds! If you like when it hurts, then this is for you!
Part 1: Three Seconds
He left.
It’d been hours and none of us knew where JJ went, only that he left. While JJ storming off was a normal feat, he always came back.
Now normally, I would have been looking for him, knowing exactly where to look. I’d find him and we’d avoid everyone until he felt like he was ready. This time was different. He never looked at me the way he did today.
A look of pure betrayal.
John B had gone MIA with Sarah while Pope and Kie were handling everything we needed to look for the gold. Me? I was trying to find a way to cope with the sudden JJ sized gap in my life.
It was brutal trying to get through the entire day without collapsing. Everything felt dull. I decided going home and hiding out in my room was the only option. It spared me the looks of concern from our friends and gave me the freedom to cry.
My room felt abnormally empty and cold. My stomach rolled as JJ’s words played in a brutal loop. I crawled into my bed where I curled into myself tightly, hugging my knees to my chest to create some type of pressure.
He’ll come back. He always comes back.
I jolted awake to pounding on my window.
“-wake up. He needs you. It’s bad oh my god it’s really bad.”
Scrambling off the bed, I pushed the curtains aside to see Kie’s panicked face. “Kie, what’s going on?”
Her face filled with relief as she pulled me into her. “We need to get to the chateau now. He’s not making any sense and bought all of this stuff.”
Nausea rolled in my stomach.
She cuts me off. “He needs you.”
I left the house in seconds, hopped into the Hayward truck and we took off. I nibbled on my nails, glancing at Kiara in the drivers seat. Her face was painted with worry and her leg bopped up and down displaying her nervous energy.
Kie moved one hand from the steering wheel and threaded our hands together, squeezing tightly.
Pulling up to the chateau, I see LED lights tangled up on the trees, shining lights reflecting on the yard. How was there power? The hurricane had taken everything out.
Before I could figure it out, I heard a commotion that drifted up the drive way.
“Where is she? You said Kie was getting her.”
My heart jumped to my throat. I hold onto Kiara tighter as we move toward the raised voices.
Something twisted in my chest as I took in the hot tub and lights suddenly decorating John B’s yard.
JJ is shouting at Pope now, slurring his words slightly, before taking a pull of the champagne he clutched in his hand.
“Look man, she’s here. She’s here, JJ. Calm down.” Pope announced, pointing in our direction, before placing his hands around his head and taking a deep breath.
Awareness ran through me. JJ turned his body to face me, his gaze flicked to mine.
He said nothing yet his eyes said everything. There was an openness that seemed to make him vulnerable.
“You came.”
A tug deep in my chest urged me to move closer. “You asked.”
“Okay, now that she’s here. What did you do, JJ? Where did all this come from?” Pope asked, but we all knew the answer.
“I got a jet going straight in my butt right now. Y’all should get in immediately, ya hear?” JJ laughed, the aviator sunglasses slipping down slightly. His blonde hair slick with water stuck to his forehead as he messily poured champagne into a glass. “Salud!”
Pope let out a noise of disbelief, “How much did this cost?”
“Uh, pretty much all of it.”
I moved around, taking in the inflatable floaties that filled up the yard, while biting the inside of my cheek. He spent all of the money.
“Kie, what? Can’t a man have a little luxury in life?”
I tuned out their arguing. There was a reason he acted out and bought all of this pointless shit but I couldn’t figure out what it was. He knew. He knew he needed to pay for restitution.
A blanket of dread covered my body like an old blanket as the consequences of JJ’s actions finally settled in. Another sense of dread hit when I knew I wouldn’t leave him.
“You could have paid for restitution or better yet, helped us buy supplies.” Pope said, shaking his head in clear frustration.
They weren’t seeing this for what it was. Something was wrong. Yes, he was reckless and rash but like I said before, most of the time he does those things because something happened.
“Okay Pope. Well, I didn’t do that. I got a hot tub for my friends,” JJ choked out, “I got a hot tub for my friends. Screw that, I got a hot tub for my family.”
“JJ, what the hell?” Kie whispered.
Something in her voice made me turn back around quickly and that’s when I saw it.
JJ stood at the center of the hot tub, one hand clutching the champagne bottle while the other hung loosely at his side. His gold necklace moving back and forth shining under the lights, but that’s not what caught my eye.
What caught my eye was the purple and blue bruises that littered his chest and ribs. A high pitched ringing filled my ears as my body felt like it began to float.
This. This was the reason he spent all the money.
My hand covers my mouth as I let out a choked sound.
Hearing the noise, JJ turns to me, his face entirely shattered, tears causing the crystal blue orbs to shine.
“Do you see what I did? Look what I did for you,” He cried out as he held out his arms, staring at me with such vulnerability I could feel my knees start to buckle.
Tears freely began to fall from my face as I took inventory of just how many bruises covered his body.
“No, stop being so emotional. It’s fine, everything’s fine.”
My feet moved on their own accord. Fully dressed, I threw one leg over then the other ignoring the burning from the heat of the water.
He reached for me the moment my body hit the water just as my arms circled around his neck. JJ curled his body into me, the champagne bottle forgotten, his arms circling around my waist digging into my lower back, clutching me like a life line.
My legs knocked together as the adrenaline and helplessness kicked in. I began counting in my head my breaths because I knew in this moment, I couldn’t afford to break down.
Not when he was broken beyond belief.
My fingers threaded themselves into his sun-kissed locks, brushing from the nape of his neck to the top of his head and back again. I pressed my lips onto his head, not letting my grip loosen for one second.
“I love you.” I murmured over and over again as sobs wracked his body, his head in my chest soaking my shirt with his tears. “I got you, it’s okay. I’m here, Jayj.”
I glanced up helplessly and see Pope and Kie staring at us, both of them clearly distraught.
I beckon them over with a nod in my head and instantly JJ and I are covered in warmth. Their arms wrapping around us both, whispering words of love to him.
We stayed like that until our skin got pruny, not wanting to move until he was ready.
When the time did come, I could tell by the way his grip on my waist loosened and his sobs quieted down. Brushing the hair out of his face, I brought my face close to his, “You ready to get out now?”
JJ nodded.
“Kie, can you set out some of John b’s clothes?” I asked her, moving to get out. She nodded and pope followed her inside.
JJ followed closely behind me. His fingers laced with mine, trembling slightly as the night air bit at our soaked bodies.
Shuffling into the chateau, our friends were sprawled out on the couch with Kie strumming away at the ukulele.
“I left the clothes in the spare.” Pope said, his eyes locked on JJ.
I shot him a thankful smile, “Thanks, Pope.”
Once we were in the room, I shut the door as JJ shimmed out of his shorts. Ignoring the heat in my cheeks, I grabbed the towel from the bed and began to dry him.
I could feel his intense gaze on my face the entire time. Biting back a smile, I whispered, “Can I tell you something?”
“I really like the hot tub.”
JJ tilted his head back and let out a surprised laugh. The sound of his familiar laugh caused a wave of warmth to crash over me, causing a zoo of butterflies to swarm my stomach.
“It is a pretty sick tub, isn’t it?” He smiled.
“It is. Very kooky of you.”
He narrowed his red rimmed eyes at me, “Take that back.”
I couldn’t have his my grin even if I tried.
“JJ the kook? I could see that.”
He sends me a cheeky smile in return. Bringing my attention back to the task at hand, I drag the towel along his shoulders before heading towards his chest. My hand stalled slightly as I saw how angry the bruises were, the hue of the purple and blue causing my stomach to churn.
My head moved carefully as I pressed my lips softly along each bruise, fluttering my eyes shut. I feel familiar rough hands tangling themselves in my hair and he lets out a sharp breath.
Opening my eyes, he tilted my head back with his fingers gripped the nape of my neck. A storm brewed in the crystal blue eyes, flicking between every emotion.
His thumb slowly drew my bottom lip down causing his eyes to darken with each passing second,” Thank you.”
Tremors wracked my body at how close we were, our breaths intertwined filtering into my bloodstream.
JJ shifted forward allowing his lips to softly brush mine. The moment my lips parted, he pressed his again almost like he was inhaling my every breath.
Pulling back, he rested his forehead on mine and repeated, “Thank you.”
“I got you. I’ll let you change-“ My words got cut off as he grabbed my arm to stop me in my tracks.
And so I did.
I blinked at the alarm clock that read 3 a.m and slowly rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes. I could hear the sound of the skeeters buzzing outside the chateau and felt a strange sense of calm at the quiet.
Reaching toward the other side of the bed , my hands were met with empty cold sheets. He was gone.
I closed my eyes tightly and took in a deep breath as I willed for this nightmare to go away. We still had a lot to work through, but I thought after last night, he finally understood how fucking in deep I was. I was all in, completely and utterly in love with him. It’s always been him.
Pushing my body up, I slowly bring the sheet up to my chest covering my naked body from the cold. A sharp tinge of fear hit my chest as I noticed a presence at the end of the bed that was quickly replaced with an immense sense of relief.
JJ sat on the edge of the bed with his bare back facing me, his elbows on his knees, and head in his hands. A small smile played my lips as I shuffled over, my hands slowly trailing themselves over his shoulders and pressed my lips softly against his shoulder blade.
“Can’t sleep?”
His shoulders tensed the minute my lips touched his body. “I didn’t think you’d still be here.”
Confusion filled every fiber of my being as I finally took him in. I could feel the weak stitches that held my heart together suddenly begin to tear.
I opened my mouth and closed it. The backs of my eyes burned as I stared at the side of his face, the face that I spent hours admiring, that refused to even look at me.
“I thought after last night-“
JJ shook his head in disgust and let out a dry breath, roughly tugging at the messy strands on his head.
“We fucked. It’s not like that’s something we’ve never done before. It doesn’t change anything.”
Like I said before, I understand him. I know him and I know exactly what he’s doing. That doesn’t stop every part of me from feeling like I had just gotten kicked in the chest.
“JJ, please don’t do this.” I inhaled a shaky breath as I clutched the sheer tighter to my chest, almost like it was an armor against his cruel words, words that I knew came from a place of panic. Yet, it hurt just the same.
“Do what,” JJ said, getting up from the bed to face me, arms crossed tightly against his chest. “You made it clear what side you were on and it wasn’t mine.”
“Stop twisting what happened. You forget that I know you, JJ. I know you,” I stood on my shaky feet, the sheets wrapped around my body. “You think I dont know why your treating me this way. You’re dad doesn’t decide who you are.”
Desperation burned in my blood as I once again tried to grasp at straws. He was always finding excuses to run from me and each and every time, JJ took a piece of me with him.
“Shut up. I’m not doing this shit with you.”
“You have no idea how special you are do you? How easy you are to love?” It was an honest question, one that seemed to anger him if the clenching of his fists was any indication.
I cut him off. “Because you are. Special, I mean.”
JJ said nothing. His gaze met mine, and the blue eyes I thought matched the ocean perfectly, showed a battle of emotions.
I took the opportunity to move closer to him, fighting the urge to curl up and cry at the look of utter confusion on his face.
Luke had successfully beat it into him that he was worthless, useless, and would never amount to anything. This, this look on his face was why I stayed.
He didn’t know. He really didn’t know the effect he had on people, on me.
My fingers trembled slightly as I reached to touch the bracelets that decorated his wrist. All of them being gifts from me.
“You’re fiercely loyal to the people you love. The family that you chose for yourself. It’s almost frustrating how you don’t see it,” I muttered, tilting my head up to search his eyes. “I mean, fuck JJ, you took the fall for Pope because you didn’t want his future to be ruined. You went to jail and now you’re on probation.”
“Please, stop.” His plead was weak at best.
My fingers danced along his jaw, my voice wavering slightly at the tightness in my chest. “You sat with my everyday during summer school so I wouldn’t be myself. No one does that, JJ. Especially not here.”
He had to know I was telling the truth.
“So please, listen to me when I tell you that loving you has been the easy thing I’ve ever done.”
Despite the immense beating my poor heart has taken, it still beats with a naive sense of hope.
Hope that sky rocketed when JJ reached forward to twirl a strand of my hair in between his fingers, almost as though he was memorizing how it felt.
“Such pretty little words.” He hummed. “How many other guys have you told that too?”
I recoiled back in shock.
“Pretty little words won’t get you anywhere. You wanna fuck, I’m down. But that’s not gonna stop me from mackin’ on other chicks.”
Then he dropped the strand of my hair, along with every hope that he could love me.
I chose to then focus on my anger that slowly began to bubble to the surface.
“Like who? Your gonna start mackin’ on Kie?” I launched the question at him, my voice raising an octave in disbelief.
“Maybe. At least she knows when to leave.”
“Stop talking to me like that,” My voice broke at the end, the burning in my eyes getting too hard to ignore. “You’re hurting me.”
All I could do was stare.
Here I stood, heart bleeding, begging a broken boy to love me back. And maybe that wasn’t fair for me to ask, maybe it was too much but a large part of me thought he felt something. Even if it was a fraction of what I felt for him because at least it was something.
“You’re never going to let me love you, are you?” I ignored the sharp stab in my stomach as I finally said the question I already knew the answer to.
JJ’s head snapped up in shock at my question. “I never asked for you to love me.”
“You showed up to my window every night because you didn’t want to go home. You hold my hand, you kiss me, you fuck me. You come to me when you can’t fucking sleep. You sleep in my bed. You teach me to surf and take me everywhere with you. You ask for my advice and god forbid I don’t answer the phone, you have a melt down.” I was shouting at that point, my voice loud enough to wake up our friends who were sleeping in the living room but I couldn’t bring myself to care.
“You need me, I’m there. You got arrested, I bail you out. You get in a fight, I clean you up. JJ, you showed up in my life and surrounded me. You’re fucking everywhere. How could you not expect me to fall in love with you when you do these things?”
The laugh I let out was one of a broken girl, one who had completely lost herself in a wave of chaos known as JJ Maybank.
The door was right there. And yet, I couldn't get my feet to move.
“Because I don’t fucking understand it, okay? Because I’ve never had the luxury of someone looking at me the way you do and it makes me physically fucking sick.” JJ took several strides until he was pressed up firmly against me, his fingers threading themselves into the nape of my neck.
“The way you look at me makes me feel like I’m suffocating, don’t you get that? And yet, I can’t fucking thinking straight when you’re not by me.” He choked out, his face was white with panic.
I could feel myself start to crumble at his words. Welcome to the club. “Yesterday, you said I wasn't enough for you.”
JJ nodded, his eyes staring straight into me with such intensity I had to swallow.
“You know why I said it. You know how I get. The way you look at me,” He swears pounding his hand against the wall,” Fuck the way you look at me. You make me feel like I can be a better person, that I have the potential to do something great.”
“Because you can-“
“No I fucking can’t. You give me this hope that I can be better and then something happens to remind me that I can’t and it crushes me. It fucking wrecks me.”
I roughly wiped the tears that blurred my vision and asked, “So what are you saying?”
The silence caused the anticipation of his answer to intensify, making breathing almost impossible.
“Sometimes, being with you is the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”
Can you hear that? It’s the sound of my heart shattering for the last time.
“Then you have to let me go.”
He shook his head,”Thats not what I want.”
“Let me go, JJ. If not for you, then for me because loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done. You haven’t even been able to say it back. You completely own me, every thought I have is about you.”
“You own ME.” JJ shouted, his hands in his hair tugging it in anger. “And it completely terrifies me and then I say the first thing I can to make the fear go away just so I can get a moment of peace. I don’t want to feel like this anymore.”
In a way, I couldn’t really be angry with him.
No one’s every really described just how dangerous loving someone can be. How they consume every part of you until there’s nothing left. Until suddenly, you can only breathe when you’re around them. When your very mood depends on the expression of their face. The pure feeling of ecstasy that covers your body in a layer of electricity the moment you’re around them and they look at you.
“You love me,” At my words, JJ looked almost relieved, like he finally understood why he felt so many things at once,” but you can’t let yourself love me.”
And yet, despite this revelation, I still couldn’t bring myself to leave.
A tortured look passed his face as he pressed his back against the wall and slowly slid down.
“You need to let me go because I love you to the point that I cant bring myself to leave. So if you don’t want me, if you can’t be with me then do this for me. If you don’t, I’m going to keep giving you every piece of me until there’s nothing left. “
I guess you never truly understand until it happens. Until you get physically ill when they’re upset or filled with warmth when you see them tilt their head back and laugh. When you see them and suddenly the world is just a little less overwhelming, bearable even.
When every fiber of your being is tuned into one person.
Gripping the sheet tighter, I moved in between his legs and settle myself on the floor. The moment I did, JJ engulfed me in his embrace. His presence soaked through my skin leaving the intoxicated feeling in its wake.
“I can’t,” He shook his head fervently, “ I can’t do that.”
I understood him, because I couldn’t either.
“What are we going to do, Jayj?”
JJ pressed his face against my throat, “I don’t know.”
We weren’t okay, it didn’t take a genius to figure it out. Nothing had been solved and yet, we sat on the floor wrapped in each others embrace.
So I said the only thing I knew to be true and give him yet another piece of me, “I love you.”
“I know.”
There we were. Two souls irrevocably intertwined in a mass of love and hate that were broken beyond recognition. Neither of us being able to leave the other.
And yet, all I could focus on was his inability to say he loved me back.
Tags for all those who requested: @trickylittlewitch @maybankslover @bcon24 @chaoticbisous @ifilwtmfc @dullsocietyy @mad-die45 @stuffyownswrld @kaylinfayezink @theywantedplayer
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lullxby · 1 year ago
send jj maybank requests please guys omg 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
or pope or like anyone from outerbanks but mainly pope and jj i wanna write fro outerbanks again but i have NO IDEAS
so yeah please and thank you!
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1-800-imagines · 1 year ago
part 3 being posted soon :)
drunk texts | rafe cameron
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your head was pounding as you rolled over right into sarah. you opened your eyes and looked at your surroundings, you were at the chateau currently sandwiched in between sarah and kie.
what the fuck had happened last night?
the last you had remembered was taking pulls from the tequila bottle with jj and then chugging before grabbing your phone to do something.
after that, nothing.
you looked around the bedroom, john b sprawled out on the floor, but no sight of your phone. you frowned.
you carefully pushed yourself up and got out of bed, trying to let the others sleep. jj and pope were asleep in the living room, yet your phone wasn’t there either.
you decided to walk outside, figuring you might have gone out there to do whatever nonsense you were up to. you knew you did stupid shit when you were drunk. that’s why one of them were always in charge of your phone, but SOMEONE had given it back to you.
you didn’t know who but depending on the damage you’d done, you’d chew them out about not keeping it from you better even tho it was entirely your fault.
you shuffled around outside, looking for it to no aid. it wasn’t by the hot tub or by the fire pit, so you walked to the dock.
sure enough, there it was, right on the edge. you sighed to yourself and sat down, not wanting to face anyone before you figured out what you did.
if you had run all the way out here it had to be bad.
you clicked your phone on and saw a text from rafe. your stomach flipped. you must have had some BALLS last night to text rafe as you were so nervous around that man.
you didn’t want to open it, but you did anyway. it said, ‘oh yeah? who would’ve thought pretty miss sweetheart had those words in her vocabulary. i’ll see you at the party tomorrow night and we can see what we can do about that. stay safe tonight.’
you gasped, you hadn’t even seen what you texted yet. when you did, you were mortified. how would you be able to look sarah in the eyes again after saying those things to her brother?
you couldn’t stop staring at the conversation.
y/n - heyyyyy rafey, can i tell u somethbg
rafe - y/n, are you drunk? where are you? but yes of course.
y/n- i’m w/ sarah n evryone. ofc i’m safe u don’t hav to wrry ab me silly boy
rafe- what did you want to tell me, sweetheart?
y/n- i wish u were here so u could properly fuck me ljke tbag shithead never could
rafe- oh yeah? who would’ve thought pretty miss sweetheart had those words in her vocabulary. i’ll see you at the party tomorrow night and we can see what we can do about that. stay safe tonight.
you locked your phone. you wanted to throw it in the ocean. what the fuck was wrong with you? you had recently been cheated on by your ex blake, who happened to be rafe’s friend.
you didn’t even know if rafe knew blake cheated on you. this whole thing was fucked and now you’d have to see both of them tonight and sarah was going as she was your best friend. along with your whole group of friends.
the night hadn’t even begun and it was already a disaster.
part 2 coming soon
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willowpains · 3 months ago
we listen and we don’t judge
drew starkey x latina actress reader!
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Drew was not a fan of social media.
Unlike you.
Chronically online was a term that was gaining fame to describe someone who spent quite some time on the internet, and who knew all the trends going on.
You weren’t exactly proud to be a part of that community.
But it kept you entertained.
And that’s how you ended up setting your phone up, ready to record Drew and you filming a new trend on TikTok.
How did you convince him to do it? You don’t even remember.
And after what felt like an eternity of explaining the dynamic to Drew, you both were finally ready to begin.
Both of you sitting next to each other on your couch, you looked at him with a mischievous smirk while he stared at you suspiciously.
“We listen and we don’t judge” you both said at the same time, Drew smirking at you.
“I’ll start” you said, looking from your phone screen to your boyfriend. “Sometimes, when I don’t really wanna cook, I get all dramatic and lie about us not having all the ingredients for the dish I was supposed to make, so you can offer to make something instead with what we do have” you say, giving him an embarrassed smile.
He chuckled at your words.
“I knew that love” he lets out a laugh. “You’re not good at lying to me”.
Your mouth opens up in shock.
“We listen and we don’t judge”.
Drew pauses for a moment, smiling at you.
"When you're showering, i close the door of our room so the sound of your music gets as muffled as possible" he admits.
You giggle as you nod at his words, you did like to shower with loud music.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
You look at him through the screen.
“I thought you hated me when we first met, so I would intentionally try to stay out of your way our first couple of working days together”.
Drew gives you a puzzled expression trying his best not to judge.
“We listen and we don’t judge”.
He clears his throat before speaking.
“I often fake coming home super tired and stressed so that you take pity on me and cuddle me while playing with my hair” he says giving you a cute smile.
You giggle at his words.
“That’s cute” you admit leaning to peck his lips.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
You take a couple of seconds before speaking, trying to be dramatic.
“I have a lot of edits of you saved on my favorites folder on TikTok” you look at him.
Drew covers his eyes while letting out a chuckle.
“We listen and we don’t judge”.
He looks at you mischievously.
“I get jealous of the guys in your books” he admits seriously.
You let out a laugh as you throw your head back.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
You giggle softly before confessing the next one.
“Whenever I feel sick in the middle of the night, I wiggle a lot in bed or move your body so you’ll accidentally wake up and ask me what’s wrong”.
He opens his mouth surprised at your words.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
Drew thinks a little before speaking.
“Ever since we met I’ve always been skeptical of your at home remedies for illnesses, even though they work every time” he admits.
You slowly nod while giving him a defeated look, knowing that already.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
You give him a playful look before speaking.
“When we’re cuddling, sometimes I have the urge to stand up abruptly because I get too hot and I feel like I can’t breathe because you’re too big” you say, barely getting out the words without laughing.
Drew looks at you with big eyes, moving his brows up and down at the double meaning of your last words.
You roll your eyes at him.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
He thinks for a moment before speaking.
“When I’m showering, sometimes I’ll use your shampoo rather than mine” he pauses as he looks at your baffled face. “It leaves my hair softer! And smells like you”.
Of course, there were a few confessions you had to cut from the video because your PR managers would hunt you down if they made it out into the internet.
“We listen and we don’t judge” you both say smiling at each other.
You smirk playfully at him before speaking.
“I cannot stand one of your friends and past coworkers” you admit, making a serious face.
Drew immediately throws his head back and lets out a chuckle, knowing exactly who you’re referring to.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
He clears his throat before looking at you.
“I don’t like watching F1 since you told me about that driver that slid into your dm’s” he lets out cockily.
You burst out laughing looking at him while he joins you.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
You make a thinking face looking at him.
“I wish you sent me more shirtless photos” you say giving him puppy eyes. “Or like, you took more of those with my phone, so I could look at them”.
He snorted out a laugh.
“That can be fixed baby” he says as he looks at you mischievously.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
He gives you a smile.
“When I travel for work and you’re not coming with me, I take a pair of your panties and stuff them in my suitcase” he says laughing.
You scrunch up your nose at him.
“Drewwwwww” you say covering your face, now knowing where those missing undies went.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
You avoid his eyes for the next one.
“Sometimes when I’m cold, I throw on one of your dirty hoodies that you used while working out, cause they’re sweaty and smell like you” you say, trying not to burst out laughing.
He gives you a grossed out look.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
You look at him waiting for him to speak.
“You know those sleeping shorts Brooke sent you cause she accidentally bought too many?” He says, making quotation marks with his fingers while saying sent and accidentally.
You nod at his words.
“I actually bought them for you because I love how your ass looks in them”.
Your mouth opens at his confession while you hit him playfully in the chest.
Drew laughs at your reaction.
“Oh my god baby, this is definitely not making it to the video” you say as you stand up from your position while laughing at him, walking to your phone to stop recording, while he stands back watching your movements with a smile.
Noticing that in fact, you were wearing a pair of those shorts.
“We don’t judge remember?” he said cheekily.
inspired by @valstranquility lando blurb<3
I love this trend on TikTok and I just couldn’t help myself
they’re just too cute I can’t
this was short n sweet hope you like it, if you have any other concepts you’d like to read let me know!
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